multiple plants in large containers


Active Member
What are your views on growing in this way. I have x2 tubs with 150 litres of muck in each, and 4 plants in each under a 600 watter.

I've vegged for about 4 weeks, I have now what resembles 2 massive lush bushes about 3ft high.

I have now changed to the flowering cycle a couple of days ago, and wondered if anyone has grown in this way, as apposed to individual pots?..... and what did you think? any views or concerns greatly appreciated


Active Member
With a limited amount of space, the roots will likely be competing for nutrients/water. The plant that grows the best root system first will be the 'winner', and the other pants will lag behind. The bigger the tub, or the more evenly the root systems grow, the less observable this will be. A simple solution to limit the possibility of competition would be dividers in the tub.

Covert Ops

Well-Known Member
yeah it may work but you will start to notice one 'dominant' plant in each tub. As mentioned dividers would be a simple solution, but a pain now because would involve repotting and likely major disturbing the roots! Looks like you'll have too leave it now n see how it goes. sounds like its goin well anyways!


Active Member
i had 5 growing in a 5 galon tub only one was big and bold turned out to be a male will never do that again wont advice it to anyone space is a must for healthy plant growth the other four i pulled and just went to hydro growing started with 16 have 14 amazing looking babies now :)