There is, and will always be, debate on some of the simplest facets of growing. And I for one fell deep into the hype of indoor growing a few years back. Thats when I got my card and started growing MJ indoors.
I have always had various plants growing indoors other than weed. Usually far contrasting to the plants I grew outdoors. But weed had too be a different, right? So got my card and I persued my indoor med grow accordingly. With less than desirable results no matter my 'inherent' greenthumb.
For awhile without using any common sense I chased the 'Cannabis myths, vendors and quick fixes/results'. Until the light finally lit in my head.
"This plant is only special in my head or the forums because we placed it that pedestal, not nature." We simply cannot recreate nature indoors. But guess what? Nature cannot recreate your indoor garden outdoors either. We are all on the same playing field.
Thats when I began treating it as an individual plant in the garden. And once I did that the similarities to other annuals I have grown became apparent. Its been pretty happy in the garden since.
I guess most of you are wondering where this rambling leads. Well I'll tell ya. To the simple truth.
With the advance of technology and information and society in general. The quick fix and myths will remain on top. But if you lay a def ear and pay attention to many here sharing, not only concerning cannabis, but sharing botanical knowledge. Things I bet will get better in your garden.
Its just simple botany, flora/fauna kinda stuff.
Maybe this was a disclaimer for me being a dick at times. And please note I will possibly use this post as a referal in the future.
Keep it simple. If your grow is not simple already. Make it simple. Keep you ears and mind open. Dont buy into 'bud porn'. You will be glad you did....thats the one definate I have too offer