Murder is not wrong.


Well-Known Member
murder is natural..

to a certain extent yes.

murder is premeditated. meaning its planned. (not an act of rage or accident)

only beings of "higher" intelligence (comparatively) murder.

apes murder.

but as higher emotions develope, murder becomes less and less of a possibility.

and in the end, impossible.

if you do not understand that,then you do not simply have the brains for it. are´nt evolved enough.


Active Member
hmm there is a thread on here titled has anyone ever killed someone. My opinion is that I want to kill someone before I die. Not that I want to kill an innocent person but I am going to have killed someone before I die none the less. Me being an atheist I know that I must do everything I can possibly do in this life on earth just in case the most likely event I die and nothing happens. If there is an after life I will do everything I can then as well. I also have never experienced guilt in my life although I have felt regret so I would like too see how I feel after killing someone as well. I would also like to add I am probably not a normal person and do not recommend going and killing someone but I still think we should try everything we do not know the outcome of before we die. Also killing is natural but for natural reasons such as defending yourself, family or property/land etc.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
murder is natural..

to a certain extent yes.

murder is premeditated. meaning its planned. (not an act of rage or accident)

only beings of "higher" intelligence (comparatively) murder.

apes murder.

but as higher emotions develope, murder becomes less and less of a possibility.

and in the end, impossible.

if you do not understand that,then you do not simply have the brains for it. are´nt evolved enough.
Even the dumbest animals think before they kill and decide on what they believe is the best way to go about it. Instincts help naturally. Murder by definition, as it has been stated before in this thread,
"The act of one human killing another"
Oxford dictionary bitches. :D


Well-Known Member
Even the dumbest animals think before they kill and decide on what they believe is the best way to go about it. Instincts help naturally. Murder by definition, as it has been stated before in this thread,
"The act of one human killing another"
Oxford dictionary bitches. :D
driven by hunger to eat another species, is nowhere near the same as murdering another of your own species for gain or revenge.

specially when the species is as "advanced" as humans.

and really comparing the two, puts you rather too low on the intelligence scale for me to bother more with an answer than this :)

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
driven by hunger to eat another species, is nowhere near the same as murdering another of your own species for gain or revenge.

specially when the species is as "advanced" as humans.

and really comparing the two, puts you rather too low on the intelligence scale for me to bother more with an answer than this :)
I'm sure you believe that to be true even though your place on the intelligence scale renders you incapable of grasping the true reasoning and meaning behind the debate.

See what I did there? I said something and presented it as fact. Surely it is, right? Because I said you're rather too low on the intelligence scale, that automatically makes it so, right?

:lol: To easy.

You're assuming that all killing in the 'unadvanced' animal kingdom is done by hunger and as we all know, assuming is foolish.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you believe that to be true even though your place on the intelligence scale renders you incapable of grasping the true reasoning and meaning behind the debate.

See what I did there? I said something and presented it as fact. Surely it is, right? Because I said you're rather too low on the intelligence scale, that automatically makes it so, right?

:lol: To easy.

You're assuming that all killing in the 'unadvanced' animal kingdom is done by hunger and as we all know, assuming is foolish.
yes, that was quite admirable thinking of your part, very cunning :)

ill indulge, name any killing in the animal kingdom done out of anything but hunger, (setting aside, "higher" lifeforms, such as monkeys, dolphins, humans and possibly some others)

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
yes, that was quite admirable thinking of your part, very cunning :)

ill indulge, name any killing in the animal kingdom done out of anything but hunger, (setting aside, "higher" lifeforms, such as monkeys, dolphins, humans and possibly some others)
First I want you to admit that you believe that there is no killing done out of anything but hunger. :)


Well-Known Member
yes, this is what i said about intelligence ;)

i did plainly state my "stance" and i did indulge, but got nothing back but convoluted attempts at cunning (apart from that one, but it was hardly original)

and on your wants, we dont always get what we want ;)

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
yes, this is what i said about intelligence ;)

i did plainly state my "stance" and i did indulge, but got nothing back but convoluted attempts at cunning (apart from that one, but it was hardly original)

and on your wants, we dont always get what we want ;)
We seem to be exemplifying what eachother said to the effect of mistaken intelligence. :lol: Because right here, you mistakenly believe that just because you believe what you said is plain, it is entirely left up for your audience to decide. :) Sorry.


Well-Known Member
We seem to be exemplifying what eachother said to the effect of mistaken intelligence. :lol: Because right here, you mistakenly believe that just because you believe what you said is plain, it is entirely left up for your audience to decide. :) Sorry.
well the judgement of intelligence is left to our own devises, since society has yet to discover a proper means to measure it.

and i thought that was damn plain :D lol

i would however be quite willing to explain the parts you didnt understand, in painstaking detail of course.
slowly ;)

in order for you to be able to grasp it ;)

hehehe yeah, this fizzed bit off, cant seem to bring it back meself, care to have a go at it?

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
well the judgement of intelligence is left to our own devises, since society has yet to discover a proper means to measure it.

and i thought that was damn plain :D lol

i would however be quite willing to explain the parts you didnt understand, in painstaking detail of course.
slowly ;)

in order for you to be able to grasp it ;)

hehehe yeah, this fizzed bit off, cant seem to bring it back meself, care to have a go at it?
Haha Once again you leave yourself open to holes being poked in your posts. You assumed, yet again. I never said what you said wasn't plain to me. I just poked a hole in your post by saying that it is left up to the reader to decide whether or not it's plain. So, unlike murder, you're wrong. ;) :D


Well-Known Member
Haha Once again you leave yourself open to holes being poked in your posts. You assumed, yet again. I never said what you said wasn't plain to me. I just poked a hole in your post by saying that it is left up to the reader to decide whether or not it's plain. So, unlike murder, you're wrong. ;) :D
what? i had surrendered to such an obviously greater opponent, whats wrong with that?

miscontrued me terribly and once again proving your level of intelligence ;)

and, these are the methods of a politician in front of a crowd thats judging, hoping for votes :)

this would be a personal fence and any witnesses immaterial. so how would victory be decided but in our own minds?

and certainly your ego is far too bloated for me to dare pop it, simply for the sheer safety of anyone around you? ;)

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
what? i had surrendered to such an obviously greater opponent, whats wrong with that?

miscontrued me terribly and once again proving your level of intelligence ;)

and, these are the methods of a politician in front of a crowd thats judging, hoping for votes :)

this would be a personal fence and any witnesses immaterial. so how would victory be decided but in our own minds?

and certainly your ego is far too bloated for me to dare pop it, simply for the sheer safety of anyone around you? ;)
I'm not looking for a surrender. lol It's a debate. You surrender from arguments. But as everyone knows, arguing on the internet is only for dumbasses.

You gonna keep going with personal jabs and assume you're the enlightened one? ;)

Your stance wasn't clear to me, and will only be if you give one of these two posts.

"I do believe that the only killing is done from hunger"
"I do not believe that the only killing is done from hunger"


Well-Known Member
I'm not looking for a surrender. lol It's a debate. You surrender from arguments. But as everyone knows, arguing on the internet is only for dumbasses.
i thought this was a fight? a battle? :D and there is nothing wrong with being an occasional dumbass, (lets get retarded in here! :))

You gonna keep going with personal jabs and assume you're the enlightened one? ;)
thats a big assumption on your parts, i rather find the general consensus on enlightenment, bit of a can i be enlightened? and its a really big assumption on your parts, that im "nice"
Your stance wasn't clear to me, and will only be if you give one of these two posts.
you fall on your own words, i thought you knew to keep your wits about you, or however that went :)
"I do believe that the only killing is done from hunger"
"I do not believe that the only killing is done from hunger"
you´d have to define both posts much better. much much better. thats a very limited stance and would only be correct within very certain parameters. (and i allready explained those)

and besides, by your own words, you need no explaining, you are a master wordfighter, yes?

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
you´d have to define both posts much better. much much better. thats a very limited stance and would only be correct within very certain parameters. (and i allready explained those)

and besides, by your own words, you need no explaining, you are a master wordfighter, yes?
Are we in the same thread?