Mushroom grow kit with cannabis plants?

Hey guys,

I have just purchased a pink oyster mushroom grow kit to leave on my kitchen window sill.

Has anyone ever grown mushrooms in their grow tents and Is this a bad idea?

I pink oyster mushrooms grow ideally in temperatures above 20 degrees Celsius and humidity of 65-70%. Both of which are spot on in my grow tent.

would this be a bad idea and can the kit contaminate my plants at all? I’ve read that some mushrooms may even be beneficial?

I’m growing in coco/perlite and the mushroom kit is sterilised.

go go kid

Well-Known Member
you need darkness to grow mushrooms i think, so no light
i dont think you need worry about any contamination, as you say its sterile
you need darkness to grow mushrooms i think, so no light
i dont think you need worry about any contamination, as you say its sterile
that’s what I thought too, I was more or less worried about anything the mushroom spores could do to the plant. The pink oyster mushroom variety requires light to grow.

go go kid

Well-Known Member
oh right thanx, ive been looking at growing some myself but thaught they had to have total darkness like other mushrooms.
no the spores are no problem