mushroom grow pics


Well-Known Member
one word ....... holyfuckingshitthatscrazy. btw i havent been home all week but ill grab the tyvek envelopes when i touch down untill then im stuck in NC. Nash again impressive:)


Well-Known Member
beautiful work man. i love shrooms and once i get a pressure cooker i'll be trying to grow. would you explain what you mean by flush for us less educated.


Well-Known Member
flush = a single fruiting cycle

slang or some terminology of the trade, fucked if know why.

the pictures of trays show one "flush", a week later there were another 40-50 mushrooms for "flush" #2. a few days from now, there'll be another 20-30 mushrooms for "flush" #3.


Well-Known Member
bump, update

third flush = 15g (dry)

not what i was hoping for, 100g+ was my goal.

so 93g of mushrooms total, grown off four 1quart jars of grain, cased in 50/50 vermiculite/cococoir.

estimations here, since i didn't spend any actual money on any portion of this grow.

"out of pocket" expense is less than $5, for gas and electricity bills, pressure cooker and heater and light and air pump.

total expense is less than $10 with materials added in, grain and cococoir.


Active Member
hel yeah you can! I picked pounds out of fields down south. It takes a while to ifnd a good one maybe 1 in 10 or 15. But when you do your gold for the season. I always have someone drop me off at night, I haven't gone in a couple years but it is a rush finding huge caps growing out of shit!

how do u now which ones wont kill you


Well-Known Member
how do u now which ones wont kill you
Well they have golden brown tops and have purple gills as well as a purle skirt if they really young they look bullet caps, before the skirt has popped. In the field I was in there were 3 types of mushrooms growing and none of them resembled each other.


Active Member
Looks great! Wish my first trip into growin mushies looked even half that good. Although sounds like you have been doing this a wile. Keep up the great work!

?'s if you don't mind...

-Could you explain your FC in detail please?

-Are you isolating mycelium with this method or just inoculating the grain with a spore syringe?

and finally :)

-how long did it take approx from pressure cooker to harvest?



Well-Known Member
substrate is grain, cased with vermiculite and cococoir

fruiting chamber is a clear plastic tub with 2inches of perlite in the bottom with 1inch of water. Some plastic tubing and an airpump with bubbler stones buried in the perlite.

that's cloning chamber on top

i've isolated mycellium, which is a pain in the ass. i make syringes and innoculate grain jars.

from pressure cooker to harvest is ~40 days. could be 30 days, could be 50.


Active Member
Looks easy enough, just two more quick things

1.So if I understand you correctly the pictures above are from UNisolated mycelium? I ask again because all the pictures of trays I've seen like that they always talk about isolating, and I would love to skip that step and still get good yields as you have.

2. Any speific airstone, pump recomendations? My FC is about 15 to 20 gal (approx. 2'x1'6"x1'6").



Well-Known Member
i don't know what you mean by isolated. in the past, i've taken wild grown and bag mushrooms and grown pure mycellium by isolating it on agar, hence isolating a strain. it takes several weeks and several sterile agar transfers. i don't suggest this to anyone interested in growing mushrooms. it was fun and rewarding for me.

for this grow shown above, i used spore syringes to innoculate 1quart size grain jars.

the smallest sized air pump is fine, two or four airstones. smaller are quieter since it's in my bedroom closet.


Well-Known Member
naming strains is bullshit, they're all the same.

it's kinda my own strain. a few years ago, i combined spores from a few different strains that i got from vendors and kept combining spores and growing them out. i make my own syringes from the mushrooms i grow.

i use millet and rye grains in quart jars. this grow was four 1quart jars, 800g of grain grew me almost 100g of mushrooms. plus all the mushrooms that i've been picking from my compost pile.


Well-Known Member
shrooms always creeped me out

what if they started growing out your skin for some reason

how gross would that be:spew:

ya, im high


Active Member
that sounds like a good idea, i was going to start making my own prints but i dont want to risk contamination. instead i started an agar dish and about that compost pile... exactly how do you do that?


Well-Known Member
spore prints are mostly useless. they're never sterile so agar is the only way to go. i've made sterile spore syringes from wild caps.

the compost pile is easy, it's a pile of yard/kitchen waste, the side towards some bushes (shady), is where i put all my excess mycellium and grains and casings. mycellium knows what to do, it got rained on a few times, i mixed in some grass clippings. a few weeks later, mushrooms appeared and haven't stopped growing since. i got home today to find more popping up after getting rain a few days ago.


Well-Known Member
Hey man .. your shrooms look really cool but like the other fella on here iv always been a bit stunted to try them .. are they really that good ? i mean i smoke the green stuff a few times a week which i find to be relaxing .. how would you compare some shrooms to weed ?


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't compare the two...

if you want to know what it's like, grow some or buy some and eat...

psilocybin/psilocyn is comparable to LSD or mescaline
