Mushroom spores to cali


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know a site that still ships to california or have a connect for the spores. I literally just spent 5hours and 45 minutes search google trying to locate one.:sleep: I am fucking beat any quality assistance is appreciated, and if you dont want to blast the site just pm me. I am desperate to microscopy some spores lol.


Well-Known Member
that a toughey.
maybe if you grow some legal mushrooms and keep a diary on the shroomey you can gain enough respect that someone will feel sorry for you
and send you a print. plus youll already know the basics so once you get your spores, youll be ready to blast off.

just dont be shady and ask people point blank, like the asshole that pm'ed me today asking if i would send him some weed


Well-Known Member
Do you know someone in a spore-legal state that you could trust to receive an order and reship? Seems to me that'd be the easiest way. You could also look for an international company that doesn't have shipping restrictions...I think I've seen those before.

I don't know, good luck with your search.


Well-Known Member
Do you know someone in a spore-legal state that you could trust to receive an order and reship? Seems to me that'd be the easiest way. You could also look for an international company that doesn't have shipping restrictions...I think I've seen those before.

There are so many companies selling these now, that I bet you could find one to ship to you from Canada or Europe with no issue.

Sending loaded syringes or vials through customs "might" be a problem, but FWIW spore prints are basically a piece of paper and are virtually undetectable.

On remailing, easy as pie, and the person receiving your package doesn't even necessarily have to know what's in it.

If you've got time and resources, I can also think of ways where you temporarily leave your State, receive a package somewhere else (legally and in your name at a temporary address), and then return later. If you're anywhere even close to the border that should be a snap.


Well-Known Member
I am from Ohio the funny part is as soon as I mention it to all my peps they are like mannnn I dont know about that. I tell them just research it on the internet. Everyone has followed up with, "Well if you cant get in trouble why wont they just send it directly to you!" I am like fuck you panzies... lol all the times I sent you my home grown in a highlighter with a birthday card in the mail!!! and you wont return the favor fuck!!! ass holes all of them hahahaha no more b-day cards for my friends.


Well-Known Member
Yeah,the only two ways really are either just go to the Nevada border (Tahoe maybe?) and get a UPS store box, or tell your friends to quit being dorks and mail it to you. You might mention to them that is has nothing to do with the illegality of the spores as a drug,but that Ca is a major agriculture state, and theyre cautious of invasive species of plants/fungi. I have no idea if that is bullshit because I just made it up but it sounds plausible :)


that a toughey.
maybe if you grow some legal mushrooms and keep a diary on the shroomey you can gain enough respect that someone will feel sorry for you
and send you a print. plus youll already know the basics so once you get your spores, youll be ready to blast off.

just dont be shady and ask people point blank, like the asshole that pm'ed me today asking if i would send him some weed
No one will give him spores, they're illegal in California, that's why no one ships there.
What you should do, is ship them to a friend or relative that's out of California, and then drive there and get them.


Well-Known Member
I am from Ohio the funny part is as soon as I mention it to all my peps they are like mannnn I dont know about that. I tell them just research it on the internet. Everyone has followed up with, "Well if you cant get in trouble why wont they just send it directly to you!" I am like fuck you panzies... lol all the times I sent you my home grown in a highlighter with a birthday card in the mail!!! and you wont return the favor fuck!!! ass holes all of them hahahaha no more b-day cards for my friends.
Did you explain to them that its perfectly legal for THEM to have the spores in OH, just not for you to import them into CA?

There is literally NO WAY they can get in trouble over this. ALL the risk is yours.

All they have to do is put your entire package into a larger one and forward it to you. They don't even have to open it. If its a spore print, the thing will fit into an ordinary letter envelope and they can literally drop it into any mailbox with one stamp. They can even use a false return address so there is ZERO chance of it even being traced back to them.

IIWY, I'd just tell your pal that if he can forward your letter, you'll send him an a few grams of green. That should be enough "incentive".


Well-Known Member
Nemisis I ought to slap the shit out of you for suggesting such bullshit. And they are not illegal in california they just can not be bought shipped in from out of state and use to cultivate(which I do not intend to do). I am a huge science nerd and just want to get my microscopy on....


Well-Known Member
I really don't understand the concept of something being illegal in one state and not another. What? If I live in Oregon and I ship spores to California, does Oregon expedite me to California to stand trial? There is no federal law against spores so, so far as I know it can't be a federal crime to cross state lines with this stuff, do the feds arrest and try on behalf of the offended state? Or is there a warrent issued for my arrest should I ever set foot in California? I can understand the receiver getting arrested at the point of delivery but that seems to me to be about it. Now, extend that to a business. If that business resides in a state where this stuff is legal and it follows all protocols and legal requirements of it's own state and the Federal government then what can happen to it if it ships to a "non-participating" state? Who shuts them down? The State of California Attny General's office?

Now anyone who would use my quetions as legal defense or as an argument to break any law is a fool, they are just questions that maybe someone can answer.

This is akin to fact of knowlege. In the great state of Florida, you cannot be convicted of posessing p. cubensis unless you KNOW what it is, making Florida one of the forerunners in the realm of thought crime. In this case certain knowlege is illegal and I can't work that out in my understanding of law and the Constitution.

And that brings up ANOTHER beef, how is posession of a small amount of something legal but a larger amount of that same substance illegal? Pseudoephedrine is legal to posess and purchase in small amounts but you can be convicted of a crime should you happen to have a small stash of this stuff in your house and go out and purchase more.

Why is it that some of us seem to dwell in the land of legal vagueries when we cross our hobby of chemicaly altering our perspectives with laws perfected by imbiciles and the moraly self righteous?


New Member
I really don't understand the concept of something being illegal in one state and not another. What? If I live in Oregon and I ship spores to California, does Oregon expedite me to California to stand trial? There is no federal law against spores so, so far as I know it can't be a federal crime to cross state lines with this stuff, do the feds arrest and try on behalf of the offended state? Or is there a warrent issued for my arrest should I ever set foot in California? I can understand the receiver getting arrested at the point of delivery but that seems to me to be about it. Now, extend that to a business. If that business resides in a state where this stuff is legal and it follows all protocols and legal requirements of it's own state and the Federal government then what can happen to it if it ships to a "non-participating" state? Who shuts them down? The State of California Attny General's office?

Now anyone who would use my quetions as legal defense or as an argument to break any law is a fool, they are just questions that maybe someone can answer.

This is akin to fact of knowlege. In the great state of Florida, you cannot be convicted of posessing p. cubensis unless you KNOW what it is, making Florida one of the forerunners in the realm of thought crime. In this case certain knowlege is illegal and I can't work that out in my understanding of law and the Constitution.

And that brings up ANOTHER beef, how is posession of a small amount of something legal but a larger amount of that same substance illegal? Pseudoephedrine is legal to posess and purchase in small amounts but you can be convicted of a crime should you happen to have a small stash of this stuff in your house and go out and purchase more.

Why is it that some of us seem to dwell in the land of legal vagueries when we cross our hobby of chemicaly altering our perspectives with laws perfected by imbiciles and the moraly self righteous?

dude he's just looking for some spores. . . .


Well-Known Member
canndo has clearly smoked himself retarded... Sometimes weed allows people to go on meaningless rants... I aint mad at you... Stay stoned my friend...


Well-Known Member
I really don't understand the concept of something being illegal in one state and not another.
Its called "jurisdiction".
In democracies, the law is decided by elected representatives.
In different places, people have different values, and therefore different laws.
Is that really so hard to understand?
EG, in Massachusetts guns are evil, but in Texas, they're fun.

If I live in Oregon and I ship spores to California, does Oregon expedite me to California to stand trial?
Good one. That's "extradite".

The answer is that its not illegal to ship spores OUT of Oregon, its illegal to IMPORT them into CA. Whomever in CA ordered them into the State would be the guilty party, and would be subject to criminal charge/arrest/conviction in CA.

In theory, yes, if you were facing criminal charges over this but fled the State of CA if caught you could be extradited back into the State to answer for them. In practice, for what its worth, my understanding is that nobody has ever actually been convicted of importing psilocybe spores into CA. Real risk of importing spores is negligible, though I guess you wouldn't want to be the first one/test case.

This is akin to fact of knowlege. In the great state of Florida, you cannot be convicted of posessing p. cubensis unless you KNOW what it is, making Florida one of the forerunners in the realm of thought crime. In this case certain knowlege is illegal and I can't work that out in my understanding of law and the Constitution.
With due respect, your knowledge of criminal law is poor.

The issue is INTENT, which is a necessary component of most (though not all) crimes in most jurisdictions.

In Florida, they take the quite reasonable position that if you don't know that the mushrooms you've just picked are psychedelic, you haven't formed criminal intent, and aren't criminally liable. This is a a GOOD THING, because in other states mere possession may be construed as criminal intent and the State may not have to prove that you knew that the mushrooms were illegal.

And that brings up ANOTHER beef, how is posession of a small amount of something legal but a larger amount of that same substance illegal? Pseudoephedrine is legal to posess and purchase in small amounts but you can be convicted of a crime should you happen to have a small stash of this stuff in your house and go out and purchase more.
Its because of potential harm. A few grams of a drug, and the implication is that its for personal use. The State has limited interest in preventing individuals from harming themselves. A few kilograms is far more than any person could be using, and the implication is commercial sale. Now the possessor is potentially harming hundreds of people, and the State has more of an interest in preventing it.

That may or may not be "fair", and you may not agree with it, but I think it at least makes sense.

With pseudoephedrine, its a lot more cut and dry. A few pills are pretty clearly for medical use, where as a few kilograms are pretty clearly for use in manufacturing illegal drugs. There is no "grey line" there, because ordinary allergy sufferers never buy more than a few packs of sudafed at a time. There is no need to, and the law deliberately makes it difficult to do this.


Well-Known Member
It really has nothing to do with harming people, it has to do with taxes and people making money and the govn doesn't. The govn is harming us everyday gmo foods chem trails and ammonia wAshed beef. They give a fuck about us. Lol..


Next time you go on vacation out of state have them shipped to the hotel that you are staying at. Then just bring them back with you.


Well-Known Member
Varanoid I dont mean to sound like an asshole, actually yes I do. I aint going on vacation anytime soon and I want some fucking shrooms now.. see my problem now! I clearly stated at the begging of this post to give help not state ludicrous ideas i need fuckin answers man!!! lol


Well-Known Member
I really don't understand the concept of something being illegal in one state and not another. What? If I live in Oregon and I ship spores to California, does Oregon expedite me to California to stand trial? There is no federal law against spores so, so far as I know it can't be a federal crime to cross state lines with this stuff, do the feds arrest and try on behalf of the offended state? Or is there a warrent issued for my arrest should I ever set foot in California? I can understand the receiver getting arrested at the point of delivery but that seems to me to be about it. Now, extend that to a business. If that business resides in a state where this stuff is legal and it follows all protocols and legal requirements of it's own state and the Federal government then what can happen to it if it ships to a "non-participating" state? Who shuts them down? The State of California Attny General's office?

Now anyone who would use my quetions as legal defense or as an argument to break any law is a fool, they are just questions that maybe someone can answer.

This is akin to fact of knowlege. In the great state of Florida, you cannot be convicted of posessing p. cubensis unless you KNOW what it is, making Florida one of the forerunners in the realm of thought crime. In this case certain knowlege is illegal and I can't work that out in my understanding of law and the Constitution.

And that brings up ANOTHER beef, how is posession of a small amount of something legal but a larger amount of that same substance illegal? Pseudoephedrine is legal to posess and purchase in small amounts but you can be convicted of a crime should you happen to have a small stash of this stuff in your house and go out and purchase more.

Why is it that some of us seem to dwell in the land of legal vagueries when we cross our hobby of chemicaly altering our perspectives with laws perfected by imbiciles and the moraly self righteous?
maybe you could google 'State' and learn the concept. maybe read up a bit on the Civil War and why the Feds control what they control and the states control what they control