Mushrooms in your soil?


Well-Known Member
Anyone else ever have a colony of mushrooms propogate and fruit out of any soil theyve ever had inside? I was also under the impression that mushroom fungus needs some sort of dark period to grow. I have clones under a dome and inside/under one of my more stellar clones is a small colony of unknown mushrooms.........extremely odd. Ive never had this happen to me inside.....ever. I mean i guess the chances of some spores making it into some of the moss and shit i used is high, but just the fact that theyre growing strong under 24hr light is kind of flabbergasting.

Any ideas??

And i already know they most likely are not Psyllys', and no i will not be consuming them.

I wish i could take some pics!


Active Member
Yeah pictures would be better. Idk I think if I remember science class correctly that means there's a high source or uhhh moister and nutes. Try cutting down on some of that, and I wouldn't leave them there if I was you.


Well-Known Member
Yeah pictures would be better. Idk I think if I remember science class correctly that means there's a high source or uhhh moister and nutes. Try cutting down on some of that, and I wouldn't leave them there if I was you.
the moisture i can see, because this is under a propogation dome for cloning. The nutes however, none of this soil has ever seen any nutes to begin with. Maybe the macro nutes from just the material itself but thats it


Active Member
Mushroom just mean you have healthy soil. Not all fungi are bad as many have symbiotic relationship with critters you want in your soil. If you are really concerned though, pull them and then keep soil surface broken up and the fungus can't develop.


Well-Known Member
It would be cool if they were physilicbin mushrooms and they somehow mutated with your plant...

Then you could proudly say that you have the trippiest weed ever...and it would be true!

But yeah get rid of them....


Active Member
It would be cool if they were physilicbin mushrooms and they somehow mutated with your plant...

Then you could proudly say that you have the trippiest weed ever...and it would be true!

But yeah get rid of them....
I said the same exact thing before lol.
When I started growing outdoors, I had these weird clear flowers that were growing all around my plants;
They disintegrated when you touched them; really weird looking too.
I found out they were a kind of mushroom, and they were attracting nasty bugs like hell.
My plants had no hope; after just a day, they were so small the only thing that was left of them were the stems=[
Better be safe then sorry and transplant them.


Well-Known Member
mushrooms are gooooddd. dont pull them out.any one who tells you there bad for your plants or soil is an ass and has no idea what there talking about.

i grow mushrooms, it not for nothing your best clone has them, they improve your soil, alot, if you got them then your soil is healthy.

i have a mycoligy book where they did side by side test, on plant had pearl mushrooms growing with it and the differance was huge.

point of the story they are not bad, infact there good.even if you pull them they will still be doing there thing in the soil.


Well-Known Member
Mushroom just mean you have healthy soil. Not all fungi are bad as many have symbiotic relationship with critters you want in your soil. If you are really concerned though, pull them and then keep soil surface broken up and the fungus can't develop.
haha. yeah man this soil mix is killer i dont nute it at all and the clones grow strong large rootmasses in 7 days in a ghetto cloner setup using a pretzel rod dome container as a lid. As for the mushrooms haha i aint growing mushrooms so i yanked em. Still interesting none the less, and it actually convinced my wife to let me take a go at actually propogating psyllys in a few months like i wanted to for a while but she lacks confidence in alot of things horticultural lol. Her parents were failed gardeners...meaning every year they thought they could garden and every year theie hopes and dreams were dashed by what i consider stupidity based on what ive heard.