Mushrooms - Pf Tek Supply list, Questions, Other Teks

I have re-thought crumbling up the cakes, i am going to follow pf tek this first time out. no reason to try and modify something i havent mastered yet.

I am actually still a while from doing anything...
But I like the idea of BRF on both the jar and cake...
I'll have it figured out by the time I make a
Wanna see some bud? click here >>> :leaf:
Yea a PC is the only way to go also make sure that you are using the foil and making that lil dip before you put the lid and band on, make sure the air quality where your working is clean too run like an ionic breeze for an hour them make sure no fans are running. Also its best to cover the whole jar and lid with foil while in the PC and leave foil on until your ready to inoculate. Find some myco supply kits and get sterilized wheat straw for casing you can get bags of pre sterile substrate that you just inoculate and let pin then you stick it in the chamber. If your clean and careful enough you can skip the glove box, they are kind of a pain. Also basements suck for these projects you will get contaminants almost always.

This is the PC I got, holds 10 quart jars, has a guage.:-P

Pcs today have fail safe plugs that release pressure if it goes above rating, just take care of the seal and lid and cover surfaces by applying a thin coating of vegetable oil periodicaly. Plus, the huge pot is ideal for boiling water in for pasturization.

The mating surfaces on a PC are machined so must not be in any way damaged!:shock:

This is the PC I got, holds 10 quart jars, has a guage.:-P

Pcs today have fail safe plugs that release pressure if it goes above rating, just take care of the seal and lid and cover surfaces by applying a thin coating of vegetable oil periodicaly. Plus, the huge pot is ideal for boiling water in for pasturization.

The mating surfaces on a PC are machined so must not be in any way damaged!:shock:

nice i need to get another one soon, or two....
The new, modern pressure cookers are 100% safe, and these added safety measures make pressure cooking almost foolproof. No more noisy, rattling, hissing, spitting, jiggling pressure regulators! No more dangerous, unpredictable over-pressure plug that can explode and spray the contents all over your kitchen!
New modern pressure cookers are a closed system, and unlike the weighted, jiggle top models, very little moisture escapes. The modern pressure valves are spring loaded and may be in the form of a rising valve stem or a movable dial.
The new, modern pressure cookers use a series of safety mechanisms design to release pressure in the event of an over-pressure. If there is a buildup of pressure the excess steam is safely vented through a series of secondary valve systems


found some pictures of my first shroom grow from like october 2008!!

started with WBS spawned to coir/spagnum/verm
pics could be from mini monotubs and trays not sure which is which
strain PES hawaii
my pics 030-2.jpg

only got two and a half ounces, i think these pics might be from the trays
I dont have the exact number on hand, I can find it but doubtfully before someone else can.

my guess is like 4 quarts of sub to one quart of spawn. I normally do half and half, for quicker colonization, but less flushes. i'll start looking,
12 quarts of sub for 3 quarts of spawn. that should fit in my pan quite nice. plus room for a peatmoss casing. Does that sound possible at least?

12 quarts of sub for 3 quarts of spawn. that should fit in my pan quite nice. plus room for a peatmoss casing. Does that sound possible at least?


never used peatmoss, but i did use spagnum moss (peatmoss substitute) it worked fine. I checked on shroomery and i found a few saying 1/4 spawn to sub ratio, so thats what i would go off, unless someone who knows better will speak up?? you can use pure verm for casing to just throwing that out there.
the tek i was planning to use is

10 parts peatmoss
10 parts verm
1 part gypsum
1 part calcium carbonate

pasterize at 140-160 for an hour. measure core temp of jars in water bath.
I dont have the exact number on hand, I can find it but doubtfully before someone else can.

my guess is like 4 quarts of sub to one quart of spawn. I normally do half and half, for quicker colonization, but less flushes. i'll start looking,

So Darth how exactly do you know when to start fruiting a bulk tray like that? Do you wait until you see knots and/or pins or do you throw it in the FC once it appears completely colonized?
once it appears fully colonized i give it another week or two, once a solid cake it sometimes would shrink slightly to be smaller than the tray and i just popped em out flipped them over checked for Full colonization, sometimes even left it upside down, then cased and put in fc under light. 5 days later had pins. im normally a few days late on casing it so its pretty ready to start pinning when i case it, litte knots