music and drugs


Well-Known Member
Drum and bass or jungle for nitrous..start off with goldie and maybe roni size...don't buy whippits can get a 60lb tank of nitrous for 130$..if you live in a state where they mandate sulfer dioxin in the nitrous,the find an army supply shop,get an old wwII gas mask canister and fashhion it with pvc pipe and acrylic tube to the tank..viola,clean 80%'ll take 8 hours of 3 people straight huffing gas to finish...that's if you don't freeze the tank and have to wait for it to defrost...have fun!


Well-Known Member
I seen an episode of cops where these two brothers lived in an alley and huffed glue and paint all day...had these horrible scars on their elbows and knees where they are falling out all the time..apparantly they was a local 'celebrity' with the cops,as they knew the older sober brother of the two and called him to pick the huffers up...and pots illegal...sad


Well-Known Member
People will do horrible things in the name of getting high and yet we take away the safest easiest ways to do it.


Well-Known Member
Just a cheap high... in San Francisco there are homeless people that reek of lacker. jeezus..... that is good to hear about N20 though... I thought it just cut off air flow to the brain like alcohol does


Well-Known Member
Just a cheap high... in San Francisco there are homeless people that reek of lacker. jeezus..... that is good to hear about N20 though... I thought it just cut off air flow to the brain like alcohol does
No it's an NMDA antagonist like ketamine and DXM. Also ethanol affects a number of receptor systems in the brain.


Well-Known Member
Suck down a few 60s of medi and you'll get tired of it..I can inhale a whole balloon almost and it barely faze me..I need to quickly suck down a puching balloon to nod out and hear the helicopters..


Well-Known Member
We used to fuck with people..'three for ten! Five for twenty!.'..everytime dummys would go 'five for twenty!right here!..ill take five for twenty!'....sucker born every minuite I when id say the tank is froze so I could get them to go away so I could have a break!


Well-Known Member
holy shit. you must if had cash stuffed in a big suitcase after a show! crazy

what kind of s hippy are you!? Im a business hippy!


Well-Known Member
Suck down a few 60s of medi and you'll get tired of it..I can inhale a whole balloon almost and it barely faze me..I need to quickly suck down a puching balloon to nod out and hear the helicopters..
Yup exactly. I try to keep going until people get a concerned look on their face and tell me I'm turning blue


Well-Known Member
When your lips are black from balloon I said imp..I got tired of burying money...literally..hard to fathom..I look back on it and realize what a glutton I was..not me now at all.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
This song... NOTHING can get me as high as music like this. If I had to listen to it on any psychedelic my head would explode. I want to run straight through a fucking wall screaming in pure joy by halfway through. Drugs and music? Music is my drug of choice!



Well-Known Member
When I was using Methylone often, I would rock out like nobody's business to the cover of Somebody's Watching know, the one from the Geico commercials with the stack of money with googly eyes. My music taste gets weird on drugs, I'm usually a punk/metal/rock kinda guy.

Here's the song, if you don't know it/can't remember it. lol...fuckin drugs. :lol:


Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
This was one of the most awesome things EVER while tripping balls:
