Music for Plants?


Active Member
So im not sure if anyone has answered this but im just i was smoking and contemplating life (which is when i get my best thinking done) and i decided to play some chill classic rock and reggae for my plants cuz i heard somewhere that plants like happy music. maybe get some real stoner plants:blsmoke:

anyone knows if this will make a difference

ill take any input cuz im curious to see what yall, my fellow growers, think:joint:

-Productive Pothead


Well-Known Member
to get bass you'd have to play loud. Unless your in a secluded place, there is no reason to draw that much attention. Thats just my 2 cents lol.


Well-Known Member
I've heard plants like it, but never seen any acual evidence, although I'm interested in the myth busters episode that was mentioned


Active Member
so plants like bass? i dont have to worry but bringing to much attention, i live in the midlle of nowhere so yall got any songs or artists that have some good bass?


Well-Known Member
according to the mythbusters (as others have mentioned) - the vibrations do seem to have a positive influence on plant growth - so the more vibrations (bass and bass drums) the better.


Well-Known Member
If your looking just for bass, go to bearshare or w/e you download your songs with and just download Bass Testers. They are used for testing the different bass levels in subs for cars. They are pretty annoying souding but its nothing but bass.