Music that makes your trip soo much better :)

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Had to dig this up for you guys .... Careful With That Axe Eugene !



Well-Known Member
Speaking of Floyd....

I recently hooked up an internet radio to my stereo. It's set on a station called "4 Ever Floyd".
It's been on that ever since I bought it over a year ago (it was my alarm clock before that). I keep meaning to find more stations (there are thousands!) but you know, I just can't seem to change the channel: all Floyd, all the time, no commercials, no annoying DJ.

One of my all-time faves, it goes great with everything - can't go wrong with CCR:



Well-Known Member
dont think anyone put any Gong up yet, been ages since i last heard them so cant remeber what track so heres one of their new ones (its got a triipy vid altho i dont think a 40 yearold psych rock band should be trying to rap lol )



A song by an artist I prefer. This and many other of his songs are good for a calm setting.

I absolutely positively dig the scratching he does in this one.


Active Member


Active Member
i hated the 80s... but i think its bc i didnt know abt cannabis... and all this stupid crap seems to make more sense now..



Well-Known Member
Add music visualization to most song good trip something like milkdrop or Advanced Visualization studio. The First being best with the later more plug and play.
Everything is tripy with enough drugs, if your not tripying you need more drugs,Not tripping right now need more drugs.
Tripy songs 2001 space odyssey soundtrack album
best The Blue Danube