Muslim prayer room wanted for Catholic University.


Active Member
in dublin muslim taxi drivers want statues of are lady removed form to taxi ranks one in dublin airport and one on o connell street. i have notting against muslim's be if i went to a country where most of the people were muslim an wanted religous statues removed i would probley be hanged

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
No, it was about property rights.

It didn't really get carried away until you posted this-

Which Shariah law? Like the one trying to be introduced in Mississippi that would deny women the right to an abortion regardless of the circumstance? If a woman is raped, too bad. If she is the victim of incest, so fucking what. If her life is in danger, tough luck. Not to mention that in vitro fertilization will be against the law. Birth control methods would be outlawed as well. Or how about the abortion and anti-gay laws being implemented throughout the country? We have more to worry about from Christian fundamentalists than we ever will with Muslims.

I fail to see how this has anything to do with property rights.
Isn't that what this is all about?

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
No, I thought it started tonight. I'll watch it.

We delivered to a ton of Muslims that's how I know what they (meaning the criminal ones) are like. Really, most of them are just like you or I, but the weird ones are just plain scary. I believe it has a lot to do with what country they are coming from. I know some from Malaysia and they aren't radicals like the ones from the Middle East generally are.

Have you seen the new reality show "All American Muslim" that TLC is showing? Kind of an oxymoron.


Active Member
the Christians that give America a bad name are like the really weird ones...Mormons and evangelists...they base their doctrine on a common swindler who started a bogus religion in the 1800's to make money - the mormon church. Mormons are crazier than scientologists. At least scientologists tell you when you get to the top echelon or whatever that God is an alien and we're from space...I can sort of buy that. But mormon's say that there is no such thing as dinosaurs and cavemen and it's basically a doomsday cult. I'll take aliens.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...I say, if you go to the store and buy a snickers, don't ask them to change the wrapper and make it a mars bar for you. You're ultimately still having a snickers.

