Here would be an example of a reasonable tax plan:
0% Tax : $0 - $28,000
5% Tax : $28,001 - $50,000
12% Tax : $50,001 - $76,000
19% Tax : $76,001 - $102,000
24% Tax : $102,001 - $148,000
32% Tax : $148,001 - $200,000
38% Tax : $200,001 - $290,000
41% Tax : $290,001 - $345,000
46% Tax : $345,001 - $500,000
50% Tax : $500,000 - $2,000,000
60% Tax : $2,000,000+
No loopholes, no deductions. No federal taxes + fica + yada + yada, just one tax.
That is fiscal conservatism.
Here would be an example of reasonable spending:
Reduce the following years budget to what the prior years tax intake was. If in 2016 the federal government takes in $10 trillion, 2017's budget is capped at $9 trillion, leaving $1 trillion to pay down our debt.
That is fiscal conservatism.