Must Read About Barack Obama!!!!!!!

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it is not the religious backround? are you serious? religion drives the way individual people live their lives. religion has a lot to do with the actions people make throughout their lives. i do not disagree with having someone that is not christian run our government, but i do have a big problem with a guy who is sworn in with the koran and then switches to christianity for political reasons. and i deffinitely have a problem with a guy who want to be the president of the USA and will not wear our flag. that is the biggest bunch of bulshit that i have ever seen. he publicly and purposely shows disrespect to our flag and country. late

i couldnt agree with you more about the religous political switch.. as far as the he will not solute the flag i havent heard anything regarding that. i think we may have to dig deeper to find out what that statement is regarding. one of the sharpest artists ive ever met said this and it really struck a cord with me

people who enjoy waving flags dont deserve to have one


remember after 9/11 how everyone had american flags everywhere..and i mean everywhere?


New Member
it is not the religious backround? are you serious? religion drives the way individual people live their lives. religion has a lot to do with the actions people make throughout their lives. i do not disagree with having someone that is not christian run our government, but i do have a big problem with a guy who is sworn in with the koran and then switches to christianity for political reasons. and i deffinitely have a problem with a guy who want to be the president of the USA and will not wear our flag. that is the biggest bunch of bulshit that i have ever seen. he publicly and purposely shows disrespect to our flag and country. late
Sworn in with the Koran, are you fucking kidding? That is the kind of nonsense that is being pushed by christian zealots and just idiots in general. Just yersterday as he was being interviewed, he was asked about that, the Koran thing. He got a chuckle and denied that it was true. He went on to say that it was this type of mis-information about him that was being circulated by a group similar to the Swiftboat tards of the Bush-Kerry elections. People that would believe this shit are retarded rascists, prejudiced assholes. BTW, he also addressed the salute the flag thing and showed clips of him leading the pledge of allegiance. This guy is 100% American. I caucased for him yesterday


Well-Known Member
i couldnt agree with you more about the religous political switch.. as far as the he will not solute the flag i havent heard anything regarding that. i think we may have to dig deeper to find out what that statement is regarding. one of the sharpest artists ive ever met said this and it really struck a cord with me

people who enjoy waving flags dont deserve to have one


remember after 9/11 how everyone had american flags everywhere..and i mean everywhere?
there is a large difference between waving a flag and respecting the heritage of a country. our flag is full of sybolism and he will not wear the pin or salute the flag...i have seen this with my own eyes and it is disgusting.


Well-Known Member
Sworn in with the Koran, are you fucking kidding? That is the kind of nonsense that is being pushed by christian zealots and just idiots in general. Just yersterday as he was being interviewed, he was asked about that, the Koran thing. He got a chuckle and denied that it was true. He went on to say that it was this type of mis-information about him that was being circulated by a group similar to the Swiftboat tards of the Bush-Kerry elections. People that would believe this shit are retarded rascists, prejudiced assholes. BTW, he also addressed the salute the flag thing and showed clips of him leading the pledge of allegiance. This guy is 100% American. I caucased for him yesterday
you must have seen him not raise his hand over his heart (american tradition). you seem a bit ignorant, there are 2 sides to every story. because he denied certain thing doesn't mean it didnt happen. just because you have decided that YOU want to trust this guy and take his words as truth does not mean others have to. and the way you voice your opinion is rediculous. you are basically stating that anyone who doesnt have your beliefs is a racist idiot. seems you are making yourself look bad. late:mrgreen:


New Member
there is a large difference between waving a flag and respecting the heritage of a country. our flag is full of sybolism and he will not wear the pin or salute the flag...i have seen this with my own eyes and it is disgusting.
Well, neither will I. I think the symbolism as you put it is for the tards. Believing in the bullshit behind the flag is accepting the brainwash, think for yourself. One of the most basic rights we have in this great country is the right to burn the flag. To me, burning of the flag represents burning all the hypocracy and ignorance that is shoved down our throats from kindergarten on. Do you realize that millions of people have been killed by this ignorance, the beliefe in flags. Flags are responsible for more deaths than any weapon ever invented. Kudos to a man that sees this hypocracy, the wearing of the flag on his lapel, He does honor the pledge of allegiance though. I dont dishoner this barbaric ritual, but find it rather infantile, and will no longer repeat the words or hold my hand to my heart. I hold no allegiance to a piece of cloth.


Well-Known Member
Well, neither will I. I think the symbolism as you put it is for the tards. Believing in the bullshit behind the flag is accepting the brainwash, think for yourself. One of the most basic rights we have in this great country is the right to burn the flag. To me, burning of the flag represents burning all the hypocracy and ignorance that is shoved down our throats from kindergarten on. Do you realize that millions of people have been killed by this ignorance, the beliefe in flags. Flags are responsible for more deaths than any weapon ever invented. Kudos to a man that sees this hypocracy, the wearing of the flag on his lapel, He does honor the pledge of allegiance though. I dont dishoner this barbaric ritual, but find it rather infantile, and will no longer repeat the words or hold my hand to my heart. I hold no allegiance to a piece of cloth.
yeah that whole...50 stars for 50 states is all BS right. hahah. no it is sybolism. you are so anti-government. but you seem to be mixed up and mixing that with typical anti-american shit like flag burning. the flag reps our country not the people who run it. i think that is your problem. you are "thinking for yourself" in a very anti USA way. note, i did not say anti american. and this is between you and the laws, budgets, ect. considering the fact that you think the flag represents our government is why i cant expect much from you as far as real input is concerned. you have issues with the establishment that is in place, and with this in mind i would assume you dont vote. at least if you had convictions as to your beliefs you wouldn't vote. you cant say i hate the government and at the same time decide one way or another who should be president. it is funny how you think that you can say everything that we were brought up through sux but you actually have an opinion as to who should make the rules. late


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After high school, Obama moved to Los Angeles, where he studied at Occidental College for two years. He then transferred to Columbia University in New York City, where he majored in political science with a specialization in international relations. Obama received his B.A. degree in 1983, then worked at Business International Corporation and NYPIRG before moving to OpenDNS to take a job as a community organizer. As Director of the Developing Communities Project, he worked with low-income residents in Chicago's OpenDNS community and the Altgeld Gardens public housing development. He entered Harvard Law School in 1988.In 1990, The New York Times reported his election as the Harvard Law Review's "first black president in its 104-year history". He completed his J.D. degree magna cum laude in 1991. On returning to Chicago, Obama directed a voter registration drive. As an associate attorney with Miner, Barnhill & Galland from 1993 to 1996, he represented community organizers, OpenDNS claims, and voting rights cases.He was a lecturer of constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1993 until his election to the U.S. Senate in 2004.

Will one of you ignoramus' please tell me what makes you more American than this man.


Well-Known Member
After high school, Obama moved to Los Angeles, where he studied at Occidental College for two years. He then transferred to Columbia University in New York City, where he majored in political science with a specialization in international relations. Obama received his B.A. degree in 1983, then worked at Business International Corporation and NYPIRG before moving to OpenDNS to take a job as a community organizer. As Director of the Developing Communities Project, he worked with low-income residents in Chicago's OpenDNS community and the Altgeld Gardens public housing development. He entered Harvard Law School in 1988.In 1990, The New York Times reported his election as the Harvard Law Review's "first black president in its 104-year history". He completed his J.D. degree magna cum laude in 1991. On returning to Chicago, Obama directed a voter registration drive. As an associate attorney with Miner, Barnhill & Galland from 1993 to 1996, he represented community organizers, OpenDNS claims, and voting rights cases.He was a lecturer of constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1993 until his election to the U.S. Senate in 2004.

Will one of you ignoramus' please tell me what makes you more American than this man.
I did not spend the first 15 years of my life in foreign countries attending extremist Muslim schools. Does that qualify ?


Well-Known Member
... and our country doesnt need a fucking muslim telling us what to do so stop thinking racisim for everything some one has to fucking say about a president
so being racist is wrong but being prejudice is ok? western media has put such a bad image on the Islamic religion. Did you know that it is the fastest growing religion in the world? We already put much worse in office.


New Member
I did not spend the first 15 years of my life in foreign countries attending extremist Muslim schools. Does that qualify ?
Neither did he Tard. I'm beginning to like that word, Tard, it has a nice ring to it. I'm sure glad someone called me one so I could pass it on.


Well-Known Member
I did not spend the first 15 years of my life in foreign countries attending extremist Muslim schools. Does that qualify ?
umm, neither did he. He went to a Baskuki school from the ages of 6-10 because his step dad was from Indonesia. The FACTS are below.

The Basuki School made headlines in January 2007, when it was alleged in an OpenDNS magazine article that unnamed sources close to the campaign of Senator Hillary Clinton—then an undeclared candidate for the OpenDNS nomination for the 2008 United States presidential election—had discovered that Barack Obama—at that time, also undeclared for the Democratic nomination and alumnus of the school (1969-1971)[2]—had attended a "madrasah", or an Islamic religious school.[3][4][5] The story received widespread coverage, including by Fox News and by Glenn Beck on CNN Headline News,[5][2] but was quickly debunked when OpenDNS Senior International Correspondent John Vause visited the school and reported that it was a public school for people of all faiths.[2]


Well-Known Member
to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a black MUSLIM from
Nyangoma-Kogel , Kenya and Ann Dunham, a white Athiest from Wichita,
Kansas .
mother then married Lolo Soetoro, a RADICAL Muslim from Indonesia
So muslims and radical muslims marrie white women who are althiest?

one would need to rethink this position, givin the fact that it stands for everything radicals are against.
like a skinhead who marries a black women.
besies he was raised by his mother, who teachings were radical muslim or radical athiset?..for an athiest maybe her thought was the best ed for her son, as I went to catholic grade school simply because and for no other reason then that school was better then a public school.


Well-Known Member
I'm getting so sick of bullshit like this. Go Fuck yourself SensiStar. I knew there had to be a good reason I didn't like you.


Well-Known Member
Neither did he Tard. I'm beginning to like that word, Tard, it has a nice ring to it. I'm sure glad someone called me one so I could pass it on.
So I had the number of years wrong. Boo frigging hoo. Now go about your business of doing coke and patrolling the forums:peace::mrgreen:
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