Must read! Dont be scammed by the led sellers!


Well-Known Member
I know for a FACT, that the majority of these high priced LEDS are coming directly from china , with American companies putting their logos on them. After opening my LEDs that I payed an assload for and comparing them to a EXACTLY matching chinese made LED, the specs and companies listed inside were an exact match, but $100 bucks cheaper. I know LED makers need to make money, but do a little research on google and you will be very surprised.


Well-Known Member
good heads up... but when it comes to stuff like that sometimes cheaper is better... so much is being outsourced that at in some way these things are all made in China... the parts are almost guaranteed to be made there with an American putting them together... eh... cut the middle man and save a couple bucks... don't want to sound like anti America or anything but self preservation is my motivation.


Well-Known Member
look up alibaba ... this is the website FULL of all these 1k-2k lights people are selling for like 70% of the price... most require you to buy bulk, but some will let you buy 1-2 for cheap as hell.


nice heads up. i am in the market for an LED right now the prices fluctuate so much it is tough to differentiate value from hype