Mutant 3 Finger Kandy Kush, Alien


Well-Known Member
This started out as a normal looking plant, getting up to 5 fingers but ever since really hitting the veg. state it's grown nothing but 3 fingers and it's freakin' me out because I have grown for many years and never seen one until I googled it. Some claim it's from Australia, with a trippy different type high, no negatives were mentioned, so wtf? Grow it, cure it, indulge in it. All I know is that it seems to be growing a lot faster then my pre 98, and OG-1, I got it at a dispensary along with 5 other clones, they all look normal, this one had a plastic sleeve that said it was Kandy Kush, my ass, this is a mutant, what do you brothers think?


Kandy is my faorite plant and I have every og you can imagine and sometimes if it's stressed it'll pop 3 fingers all day. But it takes a while to flower but is always fire concrete kush. Smells like bubba well my pheno does