Mutant AI's, Limp bottom leaves

Growing Aurora Indica, and it seems all 3 are mutants in some way.

2nd pic shows 3 nodes on the second branch
4th pic shows a 3rd branch growing out where there already is two.

Never seen this before out of about 15+ plants (not all of them were finished) and now all 3 of my AI's have extra branching, which I can't complain about. Is this a common Aurora Indica trait?

Last pic really shows the leaf limping, without signs of deficiency, it's just the AI's, and only the bottom two sets. You can tell they still have a nice green color. Natural, not enough light penetrating, most nutes have been sucked up? I'm increasing my feeding either way by .5mL/L next watering.

I have a 23" x 59" closet in the same room that I will be using as a veg/clone/mother room. There's already a hole in there that leads to the laundry room (not from me), so ventilation isn't an issue as I can get a cheap $25 inline fan. $150 for a 250w Digital ballast, hangers, MH bulb, super HPS bulb, and 19" wing reflector OR (+/-couple $$) A 4' 4 bulb t5 HO. There's also a very good chance I'd be leaving the plants in there for the first week or two of flowering to prevent stretch.

It'll go something like this;

~10 days for cloning
~21 days of vegging
Take a couple cuttings and keep the healthiest one as a mother (would be in a sepperate are for a few hours a day)
~14 days of flowering under MH
Into the main flowering room



Well-Known Member
the plants look nice, dont worry about the lower growth. i would worry more about algae growth on the uncovered cubes.


Active Member
I have had a few plants do the triple node deal. Only a few branches kept it like that all the way through flowering. They turned out fine, but didn't seem to increase yield noticeably.

I've also had plenty of cases of the very bottom leaves hanging down like that. They stayed healthy and green, just aimed kind of downward. I figured they were adjusting themselves to get optimal light, like some leaves will turn different directions if you have side lighting.

Pic 3 & 4 looks like the growth was topped as soon as it stuck its head out. Probably just another mutation, but did you happen to do any trimming down there awhile back?
I'm not worried about the lower growth, just a curiosity thing. I just Like knowing why things happen even if in the end it doesn't matter.

Would cardboard with white paper taped to it work, or what do you suggest? I don't want to buy any more coco right now and water temps are about 60-65F, can algae develop at those temps?

No trimming/topping done at all until earlier today, first time trying to FIMM. Ya, the leaves just feel weak/limp/thin.


Well-Known Member
yes, the cardboard or plastic will do, its not the water temps, its the light getting to it. a silica additive may help the limpness.