Did you get all these mutations over a short period of time? Your "Kris Krinkles" plant looks like there's a bug on it (possibly thrips). I have had numerous weird mutations happen when young seedlings are attacked by bugs. Just something to consider...
Thank you for the sharp eyes. Yes these were all started at the same time (ish). They are from several years old seeds I promised myself to plant before i got any new ones. No though, no thrips...but I have had them in the past. They make little dots on the leaves where they suck from underneath. I saw what you were talking about and just went over each plant carefully. I did find an adult fungus gnat in my closet so I will carefully go over the soil again tomorrow. My solo cups go six to a shoe box, three shoe boxes to a tray and lower leaves are often knocked into their neighbors as leaves reach the edges. The crinkling has some damage from that.
That plant is a blueberry trainwreck cross. It just has an inner twist to it that I thought I would add to encourage some others to post. IRC when I first grew this strain, one of the siblings had variegated early leaves. Kind of cool, one side light one side dark. Wish I took a pick.