mutation of some sort


New Member
That's only my grow pot want to move them to a huge pot and grow them together my one friend did it and it gives huge yields they 3days old know any idea of the mutant seedling


Well-Known Member
Yeah , I see everything wrong here. Group planting, misting with water, over watering, purple stems. Doomed. If you cant take criticism, then do some research and stop wasting everyones time. Since this seems to be your 1st time on the internet, welcome to the internet


Well-Known Member
just let them fight and the biggest ones get transplanted in a few weeks

weed fight !!

they look like that because they are fighting in the root zone for microbes and bennies to join their army

you know plants murder eachother to make bigger buds right ?


New Member
Thanx guys for all the info wil rather transplant each one to there own pot I realy did not know that guys I am a newbie so please forgive me any help will be apreciated


Well-Known Member
Thanx guys for all the info wil rather transplant each one to there own pot I realy did not know that guys I am a newbie so please forgive me any help will be apreciated
Sorry if the site members seem rude, but you have to understand that people who grow cannabis are very passionate about their work, many spend countless hours reading research papers and experimenting on their own to grow the best they can. That being said one of the most basic rules of cannabis container planting is one plant per container. So it appears to some members that you just decided to grow some pot and threw the seeds in a planter, folks here are honestly happy to help with nearly anything, they just don't have time to hold your hand and walk you step by step through the whole process. Do some research and read the entire section of stickies at the top of the newbie central section, it will help your grow a ton and answer most of the questions you will have in the first 3 months or so of the grow, and if not, once you have a more general idea of what you are doing and can show that you've actually put in some effort to do things right, folks will be right there to help with the really hard stuff like cloning and picking out good male keepers:peace:


Staff member
Why are people so cheap they won't buy multiple pots
They cost 30 cents

Your mutant plant isn't pot it's just a seed that was in your soil that popped up
It happens that's all

Transplant asap


New Member
Thanx guys I understand and thanx for all your help replanted each one in to there pot got 2 seedlings that didn't survive there roots were already twined sorry guys hope one day I will be so pasoinate about growing sorry again.