Mutations !!


Well-Known Member
ok ive seen 3 different types of mutations so was a bad one, flat stalk on a dp blueberry so no suprise their dp is garbage...the other two id call good, one is the cliche bud out of the leaf itself and the other is the one im wondering about, has anyone ever seen a plant that buds not only on each stem (or branch but they arent long yet just a bud on a stick) down the main cola but also where the base of each stem meets the base of your main cola? a buddy had this happen we were wondering if thats common? ....ANYWAY i havent seen a post like this yet so everyone post your run-ins with mutatations..interesting subject imo :leaf:


Well-Known Member
2012-02-12_17-04-10_409.jpg ok he lives over in az so i havent seen this but the way it looks and is being described to me is that where the preflowers would be at every node their is a budsite starting instead of just two little preflowers....real hard to see but if you look closely you will see that the preflowers are starting to be a little cluster!!


Well-Known Member
ive always just let them grow to see what happens but i know when i do that im likely to get negative results...every once in a while a mutation will work to your favor...what you have going on there is nothing to worry about and id look at as a birth deformity instead of mutant lol the rest of your plant should grow normally imo...unless your newest leaf set grows in goofy too then its a mutant lol hard to tell without having watched it grow to that point


Well-Known Member
Yeah I got some freaky plants at the minute. They started as perfect clones then went to shit, 3 blade leaves and even just 1 leaf in places!! Now I'm not really surprised as I walked these clones from round the corner back to mine in -8 conditions, snow and ice everywhere and to top it off I slipped on my ass!!!

Now how about that for stress invoked mutations.

I'm letting them grow, had to kill a few due to transplant shock, but the swiss cheese with this leaf mutation I'm gonna keep for the hell of it.


Well-Known Member
i dont think thats a mutation i think thats a response to environment and they will probably react like a seedling the baldes will go back up to 3 then 5 when conditions are better!! just my guess though


Well-Known Member
noun 1. Biology .
a sudden departure from the parent type in one or more heritable characteristics, caused by a change in a gene or a chromosome.

a change or alteration, as in form

well i guess we are both right lol mutation is appearently a vague word but im more looking for mutations covered under the first definition
.....also update on the one i posted it seems what is actually happening to the plant i posted pics of is that its growing a whole second brand where each branch is..inbetween the leaf and branch at every node.....if we could get this to happen on purpose we could increase yield in rediculous amounts i think...i will find out how much he winds up getting to see if the mutation doubled the growthas it looks like it will


Well-Known Member
Well either way lol, I'm hoping it will pull through cause it really does look like one of Dr Frankenstein's experiments at the minute.

As to yours, I've had plants that do exactly that and I'm sure it was to do with me trimming but have no idea. Had a plant that double branched all the way through growth without me touching it... crazy!


Active Member
i had a "mutant" critical+xjack herrer once.. it turned out awesome. it had 6 huge growing tips with massive colas on each. it looks like i fim it when i just let it grow. let it grow. see what its going to do for you.


Well-Known Member
bat thats awesome i didnt think id find someone else who had that happen...the plant hadnt been pruned or trimmed at all just let it grow normal and it did that...did you wind up yielding more off that plant?? any pros cons? is your new growth doing did it straighten itself out?


Well-Known Member
bat thats awesome i didnt think id find someone else who had that happen...the plant hadnt been pruned or trimmed at all just let it grow normal and it did that...did you wind up yielding more off that plant?? any pros cons? is your new growth doing did it straighten itself out?
Well they seem to still be unsure they are MJ plants at the moment, new growth is coming through more recognizable now.

Changed my system from a DWC to Ebb & Flow and plants are responding well after the shock of transporting them. Have 3 more babies around 2 weeks that will be ready to go into the tent as backup soon, then flower all 15 of them. Im vegging under a Sunmaster Dual spectrum 400w HPS as an experiment with HPS vegging. May use the same light all the way through. Dont think this is gonna end up great as I have stressed the hell out of them. Will update as to how they get on semi regular if you want, I should be ready to flower in around 10-12 days.

As for the double branching, i really have no idea what causes but yields didn't seem to be any different but hey, I wasnt really looking for difference's at the time.

Basil anyone?

I've read that mutations come from genetics, not conditions. They should grow fine tho, jus maybe a smaller yeild.I'm having the same 3 leaf problem.


Active Member
Here's the one I'm working with, hoping to get a few seeds from, just too see if I can get another. I just switched into flower on her today, she's a bit bigger now still with three branches.

