Mw2 or black ops???


Well-Known Member
So now that black ops is out what would you say is better modern warefare 2 or black ops?
I'm thinking I like MW2 better but played black ops a good deal today. More complete game, I'm just not sure if I like the multiplayer level designs as much as MW2, but haven't played much.
well i personaly think black ops kiks ars the only down fall is the graphics are shitter then mw2, they shud have done better then mw2, im still playing black ops and checking it out more
wish treyarch would fix their blocky fucking graphics, other wise its dope and the gameplay rocks
thanks god i tought i was the only one who tought that, they really should have given the graphics more work really they messed up big time there, i hope they get mw3 out soon man and i hope the same people make it who made mw2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
battle field bad compagny 2 & Medal of honor all the way, black ops is like unreal tournament but in war kind of thing , run and kill and you run soooo fast !
Moh is quite fast as well, plus assult rifles suck, it takes like 20 shots and by that time youbhave been sniped. Battle2 is fun tho
i know what u mean by fast ha its annoying, i think MW2 is a more serious fps and black ops is like unreal tournement or something. o ya and mw2 maps > black ops maps
i hope they get mw3 out soon man and i hope the same people make it who made mw2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is not going to happen. I am pretty sure that Activision and the makers of Modern Warfare are in a court battle and they no longer work for Infinity Ward (because activision with held royalties or something of the sort). So they made a company called Respawn, with Electronic Arts as their publisher, so Modern Warfare 3 will not be made by the makers of Modern Warfare 1 or Modern Warfare 2.
well i hope they come out with sumthing better man cuz this shit cost me 59.99$ at midnight. though it would be the shit guess i was wrong. yes medal of honor is fast too but when you played it you can play slow and do your thing, i like the mode that you cant respaswn players play with more tactic. mw2 maps were better too.
That is not going to happen. I am pretty sure that Activision and the makers of Modern Warfare are in a court battle and they no longer work for Infinity Ward (because activision with held royalties or something of the sort). So they made a company called Respawn, with Electronic Arts as their publisher, so Modern Warfare 3 will not be made by the makers of Modern Warfare 1 or Modern Warfare 2.

that means all the new mw are going to be crap i can just imagine. now that i have been playing black ops it seems abit shit now, it take 1000000000000 bulets to kill one man and all the bullets hit the person but he just doesnt seem to go down, mw2 is really the best call of duty game all the rest call of duty games just are shit really. oh yeah the only thing i like about black aps is the zombie game and that is it.
that means all the new mw are going to be crap i can just imagine. now that i have been playing black ops it seems abit shit now, it take 1000000000000 bulets to kill one man and all the bullets hit the person but he just doesnt seem to go down, mw2 is really the best call of duty game all the rest call of duty games just are shit really. oh yeah the only thing i like about black aps is the zombie game and that is it.

been playin fer a ferw hrs now not impressed at all. Its quite boring even tho its riddled w/ action (too much). you think they coulda addressed the respawn prblm they always have, as well as the ability to spam the fuck outta some weapons/Over all im let down, like its fun and all but i just cant see myself playing it as much as resembles its shitty cousin World at war too much and i dont likke that. I also notice that some guns deff lack in power...blah im just playing it bc im kinda bored of the old one....and the maps are whack, perfect for noobs to hid behind corners and camp hard...blah overall not too happy
i think black ops blows MW2 out the water. More realistic better graphics, more selection of weapon custimizations, and i love the currency system. This is just my opinion
been playin fer a ferw hrs now not impressed at all. Its quite boring even tho its riddled w/ action (too much). you think they coulda addressed the respawn prblm they always have, as well as the ability to spam the fuck outta some weapons/Over all im let down, like its fun and all but i just cant see myself playing it as much as resembles its shitty cousin World at war too much and i dont likke that. I also notice that some guns deff lack in power...blah im just playing it bc im kinda bored of the old one....and the maps are whack, perfect for noobs to hid behind corners and camp hard...blah overall not too happy

i agree 110% with you bro!
i dont know why everyone is complaining about the maps, theyre huge and much better design then MW, not just straight lines from point to point, and there really arent as many hidden corners for campers...and BTW if u have a problem with campers stop sucking at the game and kill them...most of the time they are noobs and predictable as hell, its not that hard 2 check ur corners and headshot some noob campin ass far as the OP im for sure sold on black ops...MW2 was cool but riddled with issues and unbalences, this is just waaayyy more well polished, and the wager matches are SWWWEEETTT stcks and stones TRY IT
i think black ops blows MW2 out the water. More realistic better graphics, more selection of weapon custimizations, and i love the currency system. This is just my opinion

you obviously havnt played a game w good graphics.... yea currency is coool but it means nothing when people boost...
i think black ops blows MW2 out the water. More realistic better graphics, more selection of weapon custimizations, and i love the currency system. This is just my opinion

yea thas cool bro, but i dont agree with the graphic part, its crap!! mw2's graphic are much better! becouse after playin mw2 sins it came out, i playd nearly every day and was on pres 8. soon as i playd black op i noticed thegrapics first and the where lacking!
yea thas cool bro, but i dont agree with the graphic part, its crap!! mw2's graphic are much better! becouse after playin mw2 sins it came out, i playd nearly every day and was on pres 8. soon as i playd black op i noticed thegrapics first and the where lacking!

not to be a dick but maybe you should put down the controller and pick up a book because your grammar is horrific