My 09 Monster Attempt

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
That's it. Use that and the bloom also...:hump:

Zane, these are the pics of my Durban, like I promised..:mrgreen:
jdfwdenfwidnf...oh sorry my jaw just hit the keyboard :lol:
they look absolutely beautiful Hodge...:peace:
mine still havent showed sex:wall: unless some hairs are disguised as baby growth lol


Well-Known Member
is MaxSea all organic Hodge?
That's what the label says..:hump:

jdfwdenfwidnf...oh sorry my jaw just hit the keyboard :lol:
they look absolutely beautiful Hodge...:peace:
mine still havent showed sex:wall: unless some hairs are disguised as baby growth lol
You'll get there soon, I've written it all down for you..:blsmoke:

hodge your going to have like 5+ pounds off a plant????

you putting FDD to shame :0 yes i said it
Thanks, but I don't grow to out do anyone but myself.:peace:

yeah its all organic
Saw that you ordered some, your already learning..:mrgreen:


Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Thank you for the kind words, I'll pass them on to the wife. Keep posting your pics so we can see the results..:mrgreen:
I certainly will keep you and your wife updated!:mrgreen: Trust me when my girls get well into flowering Im gonna be needin your wisdom and advice....:peace:


Well-Known Member
Yes it's been done, just keep an eye on your plants and you can tell if they are being over or under fed. Good luck! :peace:

Do what I can to help..:mrgreen:
they personally tell me :blsmoke:
definitely picking some of that up though for my next grow. appreciate the insight


Well-Known Member
i just had to detroy my garden at 1am ! because i got a visit from sum not so friendly pep!
the country where i live thinks marijuana is just as bad as coke,h,ect!
oh well :(

The Potologist

Active Member
Lookin good....and lucky know what Id do for a greenhouse....more than a god damn klondike thats for sure....however our lovely, and ever money hungry Canadian "Politicians" ( a.k.a. legalized criminals) want this and that for a green house so I have long said...ahhh fuck you eh? sure to check out my outdoor grow this year


Well-Known Member
i just had to detroy my garden at 1am ! because i got a visit from sum not so friendly pep!
the country where i live thinks marijuana is just as bad as coke,h,ect!
oh well :(
Sorry to hear that, hope you can find peace and freedom to complete a grow next season..:peace: