My 09 Monster Attempt


Well-Known Member
where's my chair?
I have a bench outside that can be moved into garden, how's your back?:leaf:

how long u think its gonna take u 2 harvest that crop , and do u have a barn ? lookn great
I use the garage (3 car) and some of the house. No barn yet but that's in our long term plan.. A big Hey to all in Tenn..:weed: Since the plants are different strains, we stagger the harvest, takes 3 to 4 weeks to get all in and another couple months to trim it up..:wall:


Well-Known Member
You can see by the yellowing of leaf that the plant has used most of it's nitrogen reserve, reason I've doubled the dose of bloom. This is the Crooked Prairie.:leaf:
Hey Hodgegrown, I've been lurking on this thread for months and watching your awesome grow. So, you double the dose of bloom nutes when your leaves pale and yellow at this stage of flowering? Mine is at a similar stage and it's yellowing like a mother. The smaller leaves close to the branch/flowers are still green, tho. I just gave my plant a dose of fish emulsion to help it get through the flowering stage. I use Fox Farm's Big Bloom nutes at a rate of 4 tablespoons per gallon of water. If I doubled that dosage I would run out pretty quick. Not a big deal if that's what I should do.

Hope you don't mind the threadjack, but that plant looks similar to mine and undergoing the same yellowing. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
hodge i am noticing that you crooked praire is getting big and my strains have just started sprouting out lil buds is there a problem with my plants or just your location to mine im 300 miles north of you ......any advice you can check out my grow in the outdoor section let me know what i should to to kick them in to bud


Well-Known Member
I have a bench outside that can be moved into garden, how's your back?:leaf:

I use the garage (3 car) and some of the house. No barn yet but that's in our long term plan.. A big Hey to all in Tenn..:weed: Since the plants are different strains, we stagger the harvest, takes 3 to 4 weeks to get all in and another couple months to trim it up..:wall:
I'm good, need no meds for pain, just for physiological reasons:-P

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
dam dam dam man very nice trim that tree up and make her a single cola lmao that be one huge cola ..... ripped and loveing it ..... wish that could keep growing after harvest..

hmmm..... could you try that just one plant after harvest keep it going in the same area or a new area in the corner of your property


Well-Known Member
hodge you seem like you have a heavy harvest already is it the strains or a nutrient you use to get them to bud quick cause you are so much farther than me how are you getting that so quick


Well-Known Member
I dont feel so bad posting my trunk poics now. Mine arent anywhere near where yours are but there big enough. Plants and buds looking spicy. I had to chop some of my JS 1 due to bud rot. Its moister down here so I think the sativas and sativa hybrids will do better. Wont be long now. :blsmoke:


Active Member
hodge i got the same question as oregon your buds are giant already my ladies arnt nearly that filled out...... what u using for nutes and where abouts you on the world............i know id prolly find this out somewhere in this 68 page forum lol but figured id just ask :-o.

Peace. Love.