My 1 week seedling disapared after i watered it.

I used to use something similar like a big eye dropper, not a Baster I think it was for giving infants and toddlers medicine. Kinda in between in size
Yeah, the snot suckers for infants. I've used those too. The baster just worked better for me because it was longer and meant I had to lean out less which helps when you have back problems. I got the idea from a breeder, Duke Diamond if I'm remembering right but it's been like 5 or 6 years. I was over watering my seeds like a new grower tends to do and he advised me to get a baster and just use one shot at a time. It stopped me from drowning them until I learned how to water properly.
This got me thinking. It’s pretty common in larger veg operations to make soil plugs. Anyone doing this for canna?
Garden companies sell the molds to make your own plugs at home for cheap. I used to make them for seed starts in spring when I grew food crops in my outdoor garden.
Yes that’s what im referring too. I’m not big enough to bother but now I’m thinking that might be pretty decent . I like how they’re free standing , no cells