my 1st grow CFL


Active Member
I also use a blend of light of 4 6500's one 2700 zbout 15-18% of blue spectrum while vegging then I am going to go
3 6500's with 2 2700's for flowering for about 6-8 weeks. So I will be increasing the flowering light (2700) to about 50/50 and 12 hours on and off.

houldnt you use way more 2700k cfl's than 6500k cfl's during flowering? and all my lights in the current setup are within one inch from the plants except for the whiteish lamp in the corner tho its on an angle and is about 2 inches from the plant. since moving/ adding the lights, iv def noticed faster and great development. i havnt used any nutes though in this grow, and im wondering if their just doing really good or if its a fluke


Active Member
Honestly I think that's the best way to go - I'm not looking to put that much money into this project so I'll probably just get a few CFL's like you did.
kool, yea honestly i think that if i had the plants in an enclosure from the get go along with just like 2 more for a total of 3 6500k cfls for veg, they would be much bigger. as long as the lights are close cfl's, imo, are pretty damn effective


Active Member
hey guys, got some better pics today.
day 42 of flower.
first 3 pics are of the smaller one and the rest are of the bigger one.


Well-Known Member
my bad it is a 6500 not 7500, idk what i was thinkn nd i do have 2 2700k, their not 25k nd then one thts 35k

if you cant get more lights try to place them better or move your plants alot of the light is being directed away from the plants

how do they smell im doing a cfl and there about 2 1/2 weeks into flowing but not much of a smell


Active Member
if you cant get more lights try to place them better or move your plants alot of the light is being directed away from the plants

how do they smell im doing a cfl and there about 2 1/2 weeks into flowing but not much of a smell
yea th lights are placed pretty good right now and their doing pretty well. they do smell pretty strong though, at first they didnt aswell but within the last week and a half they have really began to stink. and since i dont have any filter the room smells delic! its much more of a sweet smell than a skunky smell though so i really dont mind.


Active Member
hey guys update here. i chopped the lil one down, early i know, but i wanted to see what i had goin on and dryed it for 3 days and its been curing for one. it was 5.7 wet, 2.4 dry. not alot but im surprissed the plant even made it all the way. it still has that grassy smell due to it only being cured for a day so far. but the smoke is soooo damn smooth and outa a bowl. ill put some pics up later tonight. as for the other one, i plan on begining flushing on christmas and harvesting on new years eve ( day 61), as it right now on day 47. but yea pics up l8r hopeing for some input when i get pics up


Active Member
alright guys, shit load of pics up. i harvested the lil one and got 2.7 dry off and its great! im surprised it made it at all. here are pics of my other girl on day 49 of flower. im guna let her go until day 60 then chop, but i do plan on revegin her so ill leave a bit on still. and then two pics of my new plant at about day 19 of 12/12 from seed. any feed back?

