My 1st Grow Completed! 8 plants, 5 months, 14 ounces dry!"

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New Member

Ona Fresh Linen NICE!

Got my morning spliff in then just too a lap with the jar afterwards.
Smell gone by the time I finished my lap. Granted I did have the balcony door cracked..
I def. see how this could so some work for me in a couple weeks.

DEF. A SOLID BUY...I'd recommend everybody just to have one haha.
No telling when this stuff just might come in handy.

Hello world :joint:


Well-Known Member
JUST GOT AN EMAIL from the company I bought the Ona from. The one I told ya'll not to buy from haha...WELLLLLL

They gave me a new tracking number for my "new" order, to replace the Ona that was "lost" in Cali.
It never updated I and just got it today but complained about it the last week haha!

Looks like I'll be getting a 2 for 1 hahahahhaha

Don't judge me.
If I found a mill I'd keep my mouth shut about that too haha!

I'm gone be sitting pretty w/ Ona!
So with that said, maybe you guys should order lol :joint:
When ya find this Mil dont forget ole Beech.Are you up to a gallon of h20 every other day Yet? I know there drinking there ass off by now.
We could setup in Co,and really get our roll on!!!:-P
Like how I invited myself with the WE!

p.s. no beans tday.



Well-Known Member
When ya find this Mil dont forget ole Beech.Are you up to a gallon of h20 every other day Yet? I know there drinking there ass off by now.
We could setup in Co,and really get our roll on!!!:-P
Like how I invited myself with the WE!

p.s. no beans tday.

Could always set up shop here and grow on my 400+ acres lol.


Well-Known Member
400acres in your Closet........2 acres would be plenty of work for me,have to hire some day labors Ya know.LOL
All girls and must garden Naked,Too prevent theft and for a fantastic View! Colas and Boobies swaying in the wind,bongsmilie
Forgive me i been waking and baking the last of my THAI:-(



New Member
When ya find this Mil dont forget ole Beech.Are you up to a gallon of h20 every other day Yet? I know there drinking there ass off by now.
We could setup in Co,and really get our roll on!!!:-P
Like how I invited myself with the WE!

p.s. no beans tday.


You've made a friend in me haha!
I wouldn't hesitate haha!
And my girls goin' now to check on my beans, so if I'm lucky she'll have them in hand when she returns to papa.

Didn't I tell you papa dances like a deer Beech haha?!
One step ahead I like to stay just in case! :leaf:

*edit & the last couple watering I've been going three days but the Bluw Widows been going limp on the 3rd day, so every other day it will be from this point forwards haha. Can't tell you how right you were


New Member
400acres in your Closet........2 acres would be plenty of work for me,have to hire some day labors Ya know.LOL
All girls and must garden Naked,Too prevent theft and for a fantastic View! Colas and Boobies swaying in the wind,bongsmilie
Forgive me i been waking and baking the last of my THAI:-(

I ain't opposed to that mandate lol!


New Member

12 days no stealth. Came with the little tin and didn't look touched!
$70 for these 10 strains! Outta this damn world!

Its about to get real funky real soon around these parts haha!
11 strains on hand!


Well-Known Member
You've made a friend in me haha!
I wouldn't hesitate haha!
And my girls goin' now to check on my beans, so if I'm lucky she'll have them in hand when she returns to papa.

Didn't I tell you papa dances like a deer Beech haha?!
One step ahead I like to stay just in case! :leaf:

*edit & the last couple watering I've been going three days but the Bluw Widows been going limp on the 3rd day, so every other day it will be from this point forwards haha. Can't tell you how right you were
I have grown a plant or two...
View attachment 2486945

12 days no stealth. Came with the little tin and didn't look touched!
$70 for these 10 strains! Outta this damn world!
70bucks 10 strains =2zips per=20ozs,HMM.Of something you did=Priceless.I havent bought weed in over 10yrs.
Its about to get real funky real soon around these parts haha!
11 strains on hand!
If tht PE is from G13,Im in envy......



New Member
Transplanted all of my seedlings to 1gal grow bags that are about half full. I'll let them finish in these more than likely, as the light cycle is 12/12.
I also treated the root zone with mycos prior to the transplant, so we'll see what difference that might make.
But for now it's packed as hell in the bottom half of the back of my damn closet, so tomorrow I'll have to do some managing of that.

And I don't think I'm gonna be able to vouch for 12/12 from seed...
I wanna be able to do my thing LST wise but I don't want to stunt flowering plants or force them to grow new tops, when they just wanna bud up.
So I'm conflicted.
Any advise would be appreciated in that regard..
But I'm gone do some diggin' of course.

I know after this March/April harvest...I'm gonna make love to the next crop :hump:



Well-Known Member
Transplanted all of my seedlings to 1gal grow bags that are about half full. I'll let them finish in these more than likely, as the light cycle is 12/12.
I also treated the root zone with mycos prior to the transplant, so we'll see what difference that might make.
But for now it's packed as hell in the bottom half of the back of my damn closet, so tomorrow I'll have to do some managing of that.

And I don't think I'm gonna be able to vouch for 12/12 from seed...
I wanna be able to do my thing LST wise but I don't want to stunt flowering plants or force them to grow new tops, when they just wanna bud up.
So I'm conflicted.
Any advise would be appreciated in that regard..
But I'm gone do some diggin' of course.

I know after this March/April harvest...I'm gonna make love to the next crop :hump:

I wasn't sure about LST'ing my 12/12 fs because of no veg, but I did it early in hopes it would put out a few nice branches. I counted the other day and there was 18 maybe 20. unless I was stoned and counted some twice. lol
Plus there's the stretch for 3 weeks.
For the stretch the bud sites will grow slowish, and branches will grow fast. Hopefully

Edit: but you plan to top so, I don't I know. Depending on how early you do it I guess


New Member
I wasn't sure about LST'ing my 12/12 fs because of no veg, but I did it early in hopes it would put out a few nice branches. I counted the other day and there was 18 maybe 20. unless I was stoned and counted some twice. lol
Plus there's the stretch for 3 weeks.
For the stretch the bud sites will grow slowish, and branches will grow fast. Hopefully

Edit: but you plan to top so, I don't I know. Depending on how early you do it I guess
I catch things sometimes the second time around like with this post bro.
But I wasn't even thinking that you were growing a 12/12 even tho it's a feat. on your main grow right now...Slipped my mind.

But I'm thinking I'll just supercrop to keep them from getting to tall if they get that way..Maybe I'll LST a couple too.
Cheers bra :joint:


Active Member
I just started using a grow bag for the first time. I am not impressed with it. My girl dries out way too fast! This has turned me off to them. Good luck with yours tho.


New Member
I just started using a grow bag for the first time. I am not impressed with it. My girl dries out way too fast! This has turned me off to them. Good luck with yours tho.
Yeahhhh I think mine dries out even faster then yours as I poked hold in mine to aerate them. I'm not displeased with the results, but I'm def. gonna go with smart pots for the next couple plants just because I heard good things about them.

And my 3gal bags didn't start dtying out too fst until this week. I used to be able to go 5 days in between waterings easy....Now I can't make it three without wilting plants.
I'd still recommend them tho bra bcuz they're hella cheap! And if you look at mine closely, I poked holes in all of them so they dry out quicler than they should with the help of the air on the bag.
I did it to try and air prune the roots! I'll know if it worked or not once I pull the plant.
But thax tho bro. about 9 more weeks and I'm GOOD! :leaf:


New Member
I just posted this link on another thread I started regarding how I amend my Fox Farm Ocean Forest so that it's a water only soil.
I mentioned earlier in case anyone missed it, that I started out with a couple bagged seeds that I ripped outta the ground early because of a paranoid moment.
Beyond that....I'm glad that I went thru the learning experience, but pissed I wasted the time.

I hit the reset button after I ripped those plants up and took a time out to learn the grow game a little better before jumping in again.
I also got myself started with ordering seeds and supplies for my space, and mixing a good soil!

Long story short tho....I learned A LOT of MARVELOUS info cruising forums and reading books, and I can honestly say that I started here w/ learning how to build a good soil

Thought ya'll deserved to be treated to this gem! Take your time with it tho! A LOT OF EXCELLENT INFO to be learned with that thread!
A good soil mix makes everything easier....All I do it rotate my plants....water them every few days....and give them AACTs every other watering.
With all the saved time accrued, I feel my head getting bigger with all the things I'm learning everyday.
I swear it's something new everyday....Wonder what it'll be today... :joint:


New Member
So...flipped to 12/12 on this night, one week ago.
Since then I've notice quite a bit of upward growth, as well as growth in the secondary bud sites which are further away from the lights. Between the "big three" I've prob got 60 bud sites!
It's dope watching the dope grow lol!

I've pulled them all back down again attempting to have a perfectly level canopy by the time really budding
, and I'd say so far so good! If everything goes according to planned, these secondary bud sites will bulk up this next week given then fact that I've re-LST'd, again towards to outside of the pots.

I've also made a few light reflectors from cardboard box and Mylar just to get the best of my light.
It's certainly not the prettiest grow space at this point in time, but it is doing WORK!

I've also added a fan to the bottom of my closet that pulls air in. It's a window fan that works as both intake and exhaust, and both fan operate independently, but are current just bringing cool air in which is then circulated with the oscillating fan which is titled up to help cool the's a nice system!
Temps are now a constant 73-75. Fan came w/ a thermometer! +rep for Craigslist!

Seedlings are sitting in about 1/2 gal of soil in one gal grow bags.
i left one white widow in a cup just because I'm curious as to what a solo cup can do!

Thats pretty much everything I think....ummm......there's not really an odor yet..They're taken up water A LOT faster. And the bud sites are getting busy!
And remember my Bubblicious is an auto, so It should have been flowering already...I've decided to sacrifice it and just run it 12/12 with everything else.
I figure the current seedlings will make up for its lost yield.

image.jpgWhite Widow
image.jpgExhale bag I got in Nov and it's good till April.
image.jpgDIY light reflection for the CFLs. PBR sign is just there..
image.jpgFrom My POV
image.jpgWhite Widow Seedlings
image.jpgBag Seed! Looks like heavy indica
image.jpg2nd Bag Seed! They're the largest seedlings!
image.jpgCritical Jack Seedling
image.jpgWhite Widow Seedling
image.jpgDIY reflection!
image.jpgDIY reflection
image.jpgimage.jpg <-Blue Widow...FML with the rotation...
image.jpgimage.jpg<-Bubblicious(AUTO-FLOWERING) WTF
image.jpgimage.jpg<-White Widow
image.jpg<-Fan pulling air in

On to Week 2 of flowering :joint:



Well-Known Member
Everything looks very good. You will be swimming in bud!
You say this is your first grow?


New Member
Well....I made it to flowering once with some bag seed and had to rip it due to a security issue...Since then I've moved and gotten everything settled.
So technically no, but yeah ya know hahaha.

But in between ops while I was picking up the pieces to the puzzle, I did A LOT of learning! So everything has been easier. Especially with organics.
The only thin I have to do on a daily basis is rotate the plants! I gives teas for with 3 outta 4 waterings(4th is water only), and I water every 3rd day at this point.

I've been nose deep in book after book and trying to take advantage of the net and all these damn forums!
Thats why I give advice to learn a lil bit before you dive in! I see too many ppl saying just go for it haha...I'll NEVER EVER EVER(in my T.Swift voice haha) advice that!

A LITTLE learning goes a LONG way!
And thanks the compliments bra. I hope mind up end with colas like yours tho DAMN!!!! Your grow looks VERY GOOD haha preshhh bro:joint:
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