Well, with CFL's the solar panels on the bottom of the plant aren't doing much for you, and as much as I tell people not to prune, its also a sort of 'at your own discretion' in my grow I've chopped up the bottom leaves towards the end figure to redirect some of the plants efforts to more important places.
My advice would be to trim it with VERY clean tools and cut nice and close.
So DT,
I pretty much did what you said. I went in for a "down low n close" on each of the big three.
Basically I got rid of anything that was both weak(looking and stemmed), and anything that was in a position where it wouldn't be getting good light.
I didn't take off much tho.
Just what I felt like I HAD TO! NOTHING MORE!
Thanks for the input brother.
Like I said, I'm gonna veg. a bit longer so that they have adequate time to heal.
I also untied everything for the night, and gave part one water of my two part watering.
Ive been watering on two separate occasions as I've heard the plants adore it that way, and so far so good.
I split a one gallon AACT that I make the night before between the three of them, and then I go over them with a half gallon of water each about an 45 mins to an hour later.
I mixed up 1/2tsp kelp meal, 1/2tsp liquid fish, 4tbsp EWCS, and 1tsp molasses and bubbled it for about 18hrs with a 10gal fish tank pump.
This is the first time I've added molasses to the mix so I went light, but I heard Mary hearts it.
The last tea I made i introduced Hi-P bat guano, so I skipped it for this time. But basically when you make an AACT, its like making your own bottled nutes, but you're feeding your soil, which feeds your plant...It's hard to burn plants using organics, but it can happen I say.
You asked a while back about my watering scheme and it's been pretty much the same.
I've gone 5 days in between the last two waterings, and the plants we're droopy and soft* prior to watering, which obviously meant they were thirsty, therefore I'll have to water every 3-4 days from here on out, as the roots are absorbing the water faster. Also gonna top dress my soil with EWCs

Great help DT