My 1st Grow

i luv ladies

Active Member
Hey whats up. im new here. But ive been looking here for info past few weeks, you guys know your shit.
This is my first grow so i would like some feedback plz..
I did the best i could with limited cash.. will upgrade soon..
My setup started with 4 100w equivilant CFLs & two seeds i got out of some killer ganj.. (i had to go through 2Oz for one seed,, other was in an eight of great homegrown Buddah Cheese Mix) ..about a week after sprouting i added a 150w mercury vapor. and got rid of 2 of the cfl's. (hps coming soon).
So about 3 weeks after sprouting i transplanted into larger container.. I mixed about 50% Supersoil and 50% course sand. before replanting i made a diffuser (air stone) and put it about 80% down in new container. I had an dual output airpump that alternates between the two hoses.. So i kinda got a reverse aeroponics setup. Seems to work good. I need more watts! pic was taken today. they are about 5-6 weeks old & fimmed 6 days ago..
Any way let me know what you guys think or anything i need to fix..



Well-Known Member
i got to say for lights being that far away, its look good. get lights close as possibe to get them to suck up all the lumens they can.

i luv ladies

Active Member
its only a 100 w mv. so they should love the 250w hps.. got the ballast today.. gotta wait a few days for the bulb.

i luv ladies

Active Member
so here they are, both female, 2/2. hell ya. the small one started showing hairs on her own. the larger one took 2 days 12/12 to show. im fucking stoked..
The Little one is kinda odd, the middle leafs are s-shaped
and symetrical.. No smell at all... the big one is starting to smell like a skunk.


i luv ladies

Active Member
some one help, when should i start flowering? i wanna keep one for a mother, bud the other. how mature should it be?
Also how mature should it be before i take some cuttings off it?

i luv ladies

Active Member
Ok so here they are now. the smaller one (Louise) is wide 29" by 17" tall. is my moma.. the larger one before (Thelma) has been in the clost on 12/12 with my hps for 6 days... tried to get a good shot of buds, shitty zoom. took some clones off of thelma b4 flowering..

Whats the best nute for flowering? i Know i need more Phosph now..


i luv ladies

Active Member
Thanks cheetah.. i cant show anyone round here so feedback is appreciated
anyone know npk numbers for tha alaska fish emulsion?