My 1st indoor grow using hydroponics & Autoflowering strains


How is the grow?

Im looking into buying the mini cool cab or the mini caddy. Overall how would you rate the mini cool cab? Did you need to modify it at all?


Godslayer, the Mini Cool Cab would be the smallest of Sunlight Sheds you would want. The most that you can grow in there is 4 - 5 plants, that's brimg generous growing Auto's. The grow I started on here before I left to a different forum I'll post you a pic at the end of this, you want the 6x6 to do what you want. That way you can have mother plants, clones and run 12/12 strains without worrying about running out of space. If you will goto YouTube and search Sunlight Sheds, you'll come across there new Hydro Hart System which comes in all their cabinet anymore. They're much nicer than the one in my cab infact I'll be buying two next month. I had to give away 2 flowering plants in that grow which was my first or I would of lost 2 AK47's and one LSD, the problem was crowding and all Zi would of had was the inside and tops of plants, by getting rid of the 2 I came out with an extra 3 oz. Call Chris or Larry over ther and tell them there problem child Robert said call, anyway here's how that grow ended up:

They do have a great product and they stand behind ther warranty which is a big plus. Just do not go for that Moon Dust shit, use General Hydroponics nutes and you'll be happy. They just sent me a new HPS this week, you'll be happy but do watch there videos on YouTube.


What was your over all yield at the end of harvest? I need the mini cool cab due to space in my room its over crowded as is. Was it smell proof as they say? Did you need to vent the light out a window?

That hydro heart looks sick, way easy to drain the res, what forum did you move to? i would like to be able to ask you some questions through out my grow since we will be running the same cab and you have the expertise. also how noisy is it really? Im putting it like 8 feet from where i sleep and am running it at night lol. I have my medi card here in cali so i have access to any strain i can imagine in clone form. also im going to scrog, so i dont think vertical space should be an issue. How do you think the mini cool cab would do with a low stress screen of green?


Yeild of around 7 oz's, the smell is a bit of a problem growing LowRyder #2 and EasyRyders. As for venting I'd recommend venting out window because of nutes in the house, no they're filter worked okay infirst grow on this grow it's useless. EasyRyder stinks! If you're wanting to do sea of green method you'd need there old system I'd think. I you click on that pic I think it will take you to all the pic's and you'll see that complete grow and the on I'm working on now, it is 30 days old today. The forum I went to is a breeders forum and there's not much action on the board. I've done this since I was in my teens, old bastard now so I had s few basic questions. The best way to yeild the most decent weed it to cut above second leaf or what you're talking about and I'd much rather have the HydroHart System in 72" cab just me. You may reach me here and as for pic's just click on any of mine and you should be able to find all. Best of luck.


how would i vent it out a window what would i hook to the box and lead it to the window? All vented air from the grow area passes through the scrubber right? Ill most likely keep replacing the carbon inside the filter as to the heat from the light i was thinking i would need to vent that to the window as well. So i could have a dryer hose and another inline fan connected to the exhaust for the light and place it near a open window. But how would i vent anything the nutes produce?


These things are quite as a fan. There's no need to vent light and if you wanted to it already has fan at exaust. All you need is a 6' piece 1/2 ply wood, cut hole 4' and 4' flashing, venting hose like for a dryer and a conector. Wrap with window blackout and hang the same stuff facing you on your bed and you're good to go. Just ask Chris or Larry if you do not understand, but this is a good unit for personal stash, you will not be making money with it.


I guess I should explain, you caught me cooking for old lady. As long as you retape vent for light no smell. You place the hose 4" hole in plywood w/flashing wrap drop window on top. I do not know how wide window is, but plywood must fit all the way across and fit as tightly as possible just staple material to plywood after flashing is placed on there. You can buy blackout curtians at a Dollar Generall, it just like setting vent up for a grow room but much easier. Pull scrubber off and run vent to the window flashing and hang blackout blinds. Any pot worth having will smell to a point that the scrubber ca not keep up and unless you're spending alot of money this is best fix. The vent to scrubber is 4" and light 6" but do you really want that 6" hole of light out your window? I kind of defeats what you're doing, no stealth.


Dude, screw the scrubber, do not bother with it just place a 4" hose and connect to flashing. As for heat from light, use to save on heat bill. In summer you may want to vent.