My 1st medicine cabinet. 270 watt ES Supernova LED. Onyx and EasyRyder Autoflowerfem


Active Member
hey are u vaping the bud before curing? If so, how long did u let it dry for and how's the taste and high?
Not yet. So far those three branches are on their second day of drying. I will smoke and vape some once dried and cure the rest of those nuggs to compare with the final harvest. These were definitely small branches from the bottom of each plant. I peeked in on the ladies this morning and the main colas look beautiful! I can't wait to trim and manicure those babies! Thanks for stopping by, and I will definitely post a smoke and vape report once these first nuggs are dry!


Active Member
so ur vaping the small buds on the bottom of the plant? How long did you dry those for? How does it taste? I ask because I'm going to impatient during harvest haha.


Active Member
so ur vaping the small buds on the bottom of the plant? How long did you dry those for? How does it taste? I ask because I'm going to impatient during harvest haha.
I hear ya I am very impatient also! But I will definitley wait for my medicine to dry. As for the main harvest I will wait till it is dry and cured. Until then I am gonna have to make do with the ounce I am about to pick up during my lunch break in an hour. I got a qrtr of super lemon haze, a qrtr of moby dick, a qrtr of white widow, and a qrtr of violator kush on order from a hookup. Just waiting till lunch to go pick it up. Out of those three I have only tried his white widow. Hopefully this weekend I will be able to smoke some of my little mini harvest. I also got a couple nuggs that I clipped on accident drying in my lil wood stash box. Probably a good bowl or two.


Well-Known Member
...I am gonna have to make do with the ounce I am about to pick up during my lunch break in an hour. I got a qrtr of super lemon haze, a qrtr of moby dick, a qrtr of white widow, and a qrtr of violator kush on order from a hookup. Just waiting till lunch to go pick it up....

Ya basta'd!


Active Member
I hear ya I am very impatient also! But I will definitley wait for my medicine to dry. As for the main harvest I will wait till it is dry and cured. Until then I am gonna have to make do with the ounce I am about to pick up during my lunch break in an hour. I got a qrtr of super lemon haze, a qrtr of moby dick, a qrtr of white widow, and a qrtr of violator kush on order from a hookup. Just waiting till lunch to go pick it up. Out of those three I have only tried his white widow. Hopefully this weekend I will be able to smoke some of my little mini harvest. I also got a couple nuggs that I clipped on accident drying in my lil wood stash box. Probably a good bowl or two.
I don't even have a hook! Man I swear I am absolutely mesmerized by this thread... the color of your lights and the dankness of your buds....


Active Member
Well I am realizing that I may be waiting a little longer than my goal of smoking my first harvested and cured grow by thanksgiving. I definitely want to dry and cure properly! So I checked in on the mini harvest and the have shrank some and still smell fresh and greeney. How long does that fresh greeney smell last before smelling chronic. Does that happen during the curing process in jars? I just want to have correctly cured buds that smell like the chronic! Thanks for any feedback!


Active Member
A couple of months curing properly is really when you will get the best flavours and scents
Really? A couple of months huh? I guess if that's what it takes. Let me see how a month is for them. I bought the wide mouth qrt size jars. 12 for $10 at walmart.

Happy Veterans day to all my fellow Veterans! Thank You!


New Member
Sounds like a bargain..

Longer the better generally, Doesn't mean it wont be great before that but yeah generally two months plus it is going to be finer :-)


New Member
HigH people. Well like I said before I took a small branch from each of the ladies last night and did my first ever manicuring. I have the nuggs drying inside my makeshift cereal box bud dryer. I just poked a few holes in the box and have the branches inside standing tall. Anyway here are a few pics from the lil harvest. View attachment 1259746View attachment 1259744View attachment 1259747View attachment 1259749View attachment 1259750View attachment 1259752View attachment 1259753View attachment 1259754View attachment 1259757View attachment 1259758View attachment 1259762
What was your harvest dry weight per w ratio on this LED grow? I am conducting a grow right now using 850w 5 x 170w hybrid LED ISIS-1 panels on 24 master kush. It would be interesting to compare the end results on a grams per watt basis. You can check out my grow here


Active Member
hmm i tried some of the same stuff after 1 month then again after about 2/3 and personally couldn't really tell to much difference, prehaps a tiny amount but not enough to cure another 2 months, each to ther own tho lol


Active Member
Really? A couple of months huh? I guess if that's what it takes. Let me see how a month is for them. I bought the wide mouth qrt size jars. 12 for $10 at walmart.

Happy Veterans day to all my fellow Veterans! Thank You!
You can always set aside some for a longer cure and smoke the rest earlier


Active Member
Well this morning I checked in on the cereal box buds. They were really dry. I took a nugg from one of the onyx branches and toked it up! Dam I finally smoked a bowl of my first ever grow! Definitely a. Awesome feeling! So how did it smoke? Well it got me to where I am BBBaked! It didn't taste great! It was kinda harsh! It burned good! By this I mean it burned nice and even and burnt to a soft grey ash. It didn't turn all black and hard! I hate that shit! Like i said i did get baked this morning so i am definitley happy bout that! I believe these first branches are over dryed. I will grind some up and vape when I get home! Maybe the taste will be different? I do know that I will try to the best of my ability to dry and cure my harvest properly! I checked out ganjaluvr's drying and curing thread as well as other research. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


New Member
Congratulations amigo and welcome fully to the world of fully reaping of what you sew :-D

It is quite normal for it to be harsh still, it will taste so much better after 2 months canned up and be smoother generally. The effect tho can still be measured now and it sounds like it was nice enough. Before you know it you will go from excited newbie happy to have something to being fully on the road to being a 'cannaseur' :-D


Well-Known Member
Congratulations amigo and welcome fully to the world of fully reaping of what you sew :-D

It is quite normal for it to be harsh still, it will taste so much better after 2 months canned up and be smoother generally. The effect tho can still be measured now and it sounds like it was nice enough. Before you know it you will go from excited newbie happy to have something to being fully on the road to being a 'cannaseur' :-D

/em raises hand to become a "Cannasuer" :bigjoint:

Congrats CD, I'm still a bit behind you. I haven't got a smoke of mine yet.