My 1st Sour Diesel grow strategy.


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I planted seeds in mid February in a mix of peat moss and soil. I had around a 75% success rate. After some initial troubles I ended up with 6 healthy seedlings. With insufficent lighting I have been doing my best to help these plants grow as fast as the environment will let them. now about 4 weeks later things seem to be on their way, with plants ranging from 3 to 6 inches tall and wide and healthy looking spreads at their tops full of dark green foliage. I stared fertilizing with a diluted dose of miracle grow around week 2 and have fertilized 2 or 3 times without signs of nute burn. Although plants are growing slow and steady they appear to be healthy and well rooted in 6 inch pots with a little sand mixed in for proper drainage. They are under 100 watts of flourecent grow-lux tubes (24/0) for now and when the weather breaks they will be transplanted outside where they will be able to continue to veg until flowering time in late summer/early fall. These early plants will be allowed to veg for roughly 4 months or more creating the oppurtunity for monster results. In addition to this 6 plant grow I will also plant around 20 sour diesel seeds in mid April and see what germinates. I will raise thes plants inside on 24/0 in identical conditions to the first batch but indoor time will be about 2-4 weeks and then they will also go outside in beginning to mid june. I also am thinking about making cuttings off the older females to root and grow with the second batch of seeds. I have one area to plant almost all of my plants outdoors where I will be cutting down all males. There is a secondary spot far away from there where I will put a few plants for breeding to get seeds for future grows. My overall goal for this grow is to produce a large amount of potent bud and a large amount of seeds for the future. I will post pics of the whole operation from seedling to finish along with other information. Any tips and ideas are welcome. Thanks for reading.


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here are pics of the first week after germination (roughly 3rd week of February) I got off to a bad start with these guys due to over watering and extremely poor lighting.



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week 4... Second diluted dose of nutes. I will probably give a normal dose of nutes next week. I also plan on adding about 10,000 more lumens in CFL bulbs within the next couple of weeks. Tallest plant is between 6 and 7 inches and shortest is 3 inches.



Active Member
Just got finished fertilizing with 20-10-20 fertilizer. This was the first time I gave an almost full dose of nutes so hopefully I won't start to see signs of nute burn. This is the 3rd or 4th time I have addeed nutes without a problem.

I may be moving plants outside earlier than expected due to the over-powering skunky smell that I started noticing yesterday which threatens my security. Hopefully the weather holds up.


Active Member
I put 2 plants outside on 3-16. they have been holding up under their little greenhouse. It snowed lightly yesterday (first day of spring).

here are pics of the four that are still inside. I topped them 1 week ago.



Active Member
Well, unfortuneatly I had to go away for a couple of weeks shoertly after i put the first 2 outside. i put them in a seperate spot under a little tunnel greenhouse and by the time i got back the greenhouse collapsed and crushed the plants against the ground and they were dead by the time i got a chance to visit them again. However, the original 2 that i put outside are still alive. today it has officially been 2 months since they were put outside. they went through freezing tempetures and a few light snow falls and freezing rain and they lived through it all. Now the weather is finally broke and they are in steady desireable conditions. they took quite a beating in the 2 months of bad weather and they didn't grow much during it but in the past week or 2 of decent weather they grew about 4-6 inches taller. they look fairly healthy now. I did notice that the leaves would shrink and expand quite a bit over time. the leaves were bigger when they first went outside but i assume they will be ok. here are some pictures from a few days ago.

