my 2 day old AK auto fems


Active Member
hello there fellow tokers,i've just got 2 feminized AKs auto,there've just grown adove the soil level,u can c the cotyledon leaves, my Q is are they alright in the sun allday, i'm also growing them totally outside,any help cheers,:-P:wall::-P:wall::-P


hello there fellow tokers,i've just got 2 feminized AKs auto,there've just grown adove the soil level,u can c the cotyledon leaves, my Q is are they alright in the sun allday, i'm also growing them totally outside,any help cheers,:-P:wall::-P:wall::-P
Dont cut any leafs, as nature takes it course they will fall off also any fan leafs that end up getting brown or such later down the line dont cut , ive read people cutting them and then making the whole plant slowly die , if u do touch ur plant make sure ur hands r very clean. And Yes u can leave them in the sun all day long , when i grow outside i leave them hitting the sun all day , max temp it got outside was 85F though. Depends on how hot it gets where u live. but should be fine as plants r apart of nature just keep that in mind when dealing with them.
much luck on ur grow .


Well-Known Member
hello there fellow tokers,i've just got 2 feminized AKs auto,there've just grown adove the soil level,u can c the cotyledon leaves, my Q is are they alright in the sun allday, i'm also growing them totally outside,any help cheers,:-P:wall::-P:wall::-P
Place them where they get morning straight morning light and shade in the afternoon. They will quickly "harden" to where they can be left in full sun. Are you in the South? I hope being August.


Yeah what general area are you located. youre pushing the limits most places putting em outside now. do you know theyre normal seed to harvest time outdoors?


Well-Known Member
Yeah once the seed's shell falls off put it under flo's or good sunshine light if it's even a littler bit cloudy
it'll sketch them you wanna have good sun no clouds~