
Well-Known Member
yea. the liquid test kits are so annoying. im waiting for my next crop to get an electric one. get that extra assurance that its 6.5. instead of thinking " is it green yellow, or yellow green". hah Pe@ce..


Well-Known Member
hey, some of those pics look like my plants when I was having some trouble.

I tried many things, at first look one would probably think mg/cal deff or maybe phosperous. Adding anything to the water was the worst thing in my case.

You could be 100% different but what helped me out and turned them around almost right away was the room.

There was some thread in the FAQ that said something about Bad Room Syndrome. im not really sure about your situation but when my plants looked lilke that I rigged a fan into my hydroHut (soon to be replaced by a vortex blower). So I have a fan blowing cool fresh air in and one exhausting it thru a carbon filter (odor sock, cheap but works)

so I would say make sure your room is in good shape before wasting money on more nutes and time changing them all out. is there fresh air when the lights are off? My room had everything turn off when my light turned off. NOT GOOD.

If you can upgrade to CO2 and an A/c ideally but most people cant afford to just go out and spend a grand like that, so do what you can on using fans to move FRESH air into the room. If the air is COOL that is even better, but even if you have Warm (not hot) air comming in, that is wwwwaaaaayyy better than having stale air staying.

Nute and PH stuff seems to happen really slow but if you sufficatte a plant if will go bad in 24hrs. you will see it getting yellow and not looking good.


Well-Known Member
hey, some of those pics look like my plants when I was having some trouble.

I tried many things, at first look one would probably think mg/cal deff or maybe phosperous. Adding anything to the water was the worst thing in my case.

You could be 100% different but what helped me out and turned them around almost right away was the room.

There was some thread in the FAQ that said something about Bad Room Syndrome. im not really sure about your situation but when my plants looked lilke that I rigged a fan into my hydroHut (soon to be replaced by a vortex blower). So I have a fan blowing cool fresh air in and one exhausting it thru a carbon filter (odor sock, cheap but works)

so I would say make sure your room is in good shape before wasting money on more nutes and time changing them all out. is there fresh air when the lights are off? My room had everything turn off when my light turned off. NOT GOOD.

If you can upgrade to CO2 and an A/c ideally but most people cant afford to just go out and spend a grand like that, so do what you can on using fans to move FRESH air into the room. If the air is COOL that is even better, but even if you have Warm (not hot) air comming in, that is wwwwaaaaayyy better than having stale air staying.

Nute and PH stuff seems to happen really slow but if you sufficatte a plant if will go bad in 24hrs. you will see it getting yellow and not looking good.
Hmm... well I have a problem with the room being tooooo COLD, so having A/C would not be good. I have fresh air coming into the room..its in a large basement. The light blower in now re-circulating the warm air. I have an in-take fan for the room that brings in the air from the basement. So far the lights have been on 24/7, so i'm worried about it getting too cold when the lights are OFF. I think I was upped the Nitro and everything else :)


Well-Known Member
yea. the liquid test kits are so annoying. im waiting for my next crop to get an electric one. get that extra assurance that its 6.5. instead of thinking " is it green yellow, or yellow green". hah Pe@ce..
I try to keep my PH between 5.4 & 6.... ideal for Hydro. I think Soil is higher :)


Well-Known Member
ye its somthing like 5.6 - 6.5.. hydro is 5.3 - 6.2... ive always wondered. do ya think its better to be too high, or too low??Pe@ce..


Well-Known Member
::::::::::UPDATES ON TRANSPLANT::::::::::
The NEW growth looks OK, but some of them have a LITTLE browning on the edges. I don't think that i am nute-burning since its been at such low strenth. GOT NUTES AT A LOCAL HYDRO STORE. THEY AREN'T FOUND ON THE INTERNET. Called "Blu Moon". SEE CONTENT BELOW AND PLEASE COMMMENT.......IS THIS ENOUGH NUTRIENTS FOR MY BABES!?????????????

Part #1, 0-1-3:
Total Nitrogen. 0%
1% Nitrate Nitrogen
Available Phosphoric Acid: 1%
Soluble Potash: 3%
Magnesium: .5%

Part #2, 1-0-0:
Total Nitrogen: 1%
1 % Nitrate Nitrogen
Iron: .1%



Well-Known Member
Got the Seeds fromm Marijuana I ordered 20 Fem. Seeds, 1/2 blue 1/2 big bud. I was extremely unhappy with how they sprouted. I lost 9 fem. seeds bc they didnt sprout!!!!!!! The company said they would give some free in my next order and i said, "no...i'm not EVER ordering from you should replace the ones that i lost $100 from!!!!!!" Anyway, figured out today that the person who gave me the nutes.....I want to wrangle. MY NUTES ARE TOTALLY DEFICIENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont know what the F...but I'm switching to some way better nutes that my friend is using.


Well-Known Member
Blue get some more potent nutes I mean for real. Even my organic nutes have a higher N percentage. I won't use anything but organic also. I test my the ph of my soil with a soil ph tester from my local hydro store, I test the water with the old school liquid General Hydro Liquid ph test kit. Money doesn't come very easy right now so anything that can save me money will work. I know its like 30% estimation but ay I'm prepared to deal with it. So far I have nothing but real good GREEN growth so no worries over here. Get you some quality nutrients though foreal. Personally I suggest BMO or Blue Mountain Organics. You can find them on EBAY by searching BMO. I can see money is obvisouly no problem for you but the nutes are priced VERY VERY good and I can honestly say they WORK and customer service is freaking outstanding. Hope this helps blue keep it real.



Well-Known Member
Another thing Blue, are you going to be topping your plants? I hope so I've read many a threads on blueberry and they produce ALOT more when topped. Let me know girl.



Well-Known Member
Blue get some more potent nutes I mean for real. Even my organic nutes have a higher N percentage. I won't use anything but organic also. I test my the ph of my soil with a soil ph tester from my local hydro store, I test the water with the old school liquid General Hydro Liquid ph test kit. Money doesn't come very easy right now so anything that can save me money will work. I know its like 30% estimation but ay I'm prepared to deal with it. So far I have nothing but real good GREEN growth so no worries over here. Get you some quality nutrients though foreal. Personally I suggest BMO or Blue Mountain Organics. You can find them on EBAY by searching BMO. I can see money is obvisouly no problem for you but the nutes are priced VERY VERY good and I can honestly say they WORK and customer service is freaking outstanding. Hope this helps blue keep it real.

Hey I know man I got totally scammed. Given FREE nutes for buying tons of crap at the Hydro store, and they said people swear by em. SO LAME!! Going to flush the next couple o days and slowly re-intro new nutes. Money is an issue now that i've gone overboard. Those BMO nutes look AWESOME!!!! They also carry a shitload of deliciious looking raw/organic foods. YUM. I don't know if mine are organic, unfortunately. Just going with the ones my friend uses.


Well-Known Member
Ya what they didn't tell you was people swear by them for seedlings. Those are great for starting seeds and what not but not anything else. Sucks about going a little overboard. First grows can do that sometimes but ay it will all come soon enough. If you ever do buy from BMO get the 4 pack deal that they have its the best way to go.



Well-Known Member
if 9 out of 20 didnt sprout, by the way thats not bad, i had problems with fem be4 and had like only 3 of 12 or some shit, u almost had 50%.
well if u had expected 100% ud have 20 babies right? go pick up 9 clones to make up for the shittness. they be ready to bud quick if there healthy clones. Ive always grown my outdoor from bagseed, its always been decent. i had a hydro grow lst year , with bagseed, that was alright. Now im using clones, with the addition of some blue berry fem seeds i germinated a full week be4 getting the clones. All five clones that i picked up are showing preflowers, and the correct alternative branching to be thrown in2 12/12. I would say the seeds are at the very least 1 month behind the game. While thats all good and all, it just goes to show that clones are faster no matter wut. and trust me i payed over 125 for those fem seeds. i think it all breaks down to simple patience, i wasnt patient enought 1 day so i online ordered seeds, when if i had waited i could have gotten clones on the next buisness day. so instead i waited forever for postal mail. does that make sense, impatience can fuck me up w./ everything. Oh and im taking the majority's preference, and when my nutes run out im switchn 2 fox farm. blue do u have a seperate veg room?


Well-Known Member
You definitely have a Nitrogen deficiency. It doesn't look to bad but you need to do something about it. The nutes that they gave you should be fine. You might need to get a supplement nut to add with them. But the problem you have now is not calcium or magnesium but Nitrogen. This means that you need to look at the solution that you are using to water with now. I didn't read all of your thread so I will just get to it. You need to change the water out that you use about once every week or two depending on how much water it is. I don't use a ppm meter I just wing it. With your plants showing that much of a problem you might want to try and bust your nut levels to the aggressive growth level or just under it. Flushing the plants will just take more of the nutrients out of them witch is not a good idea. You should be whatering about 5 times a day for about 5 to 10 min. You should also go and get drip valves for the ends of the hoses from lowes. They are in the irrigation area. I hope this helps some. I say your post in the White Widow grow and thought I would try and help. When I have some time I will go through your thread and get back to you on anything else I see. Check out my grow for the nutes I use and later in it I show a supliment I use now also.

chronic vegan

Active Member
how far are your lights from from the babies? U say you r going to use 600w for 15 babies? I thinking, Too many babies, or need secordary light ( when u start stage 3(flowering)

Me ,If I had a, 600w watered cooled system. (You have about a 6ft x 6ft grow area with a 600 watt system.) Nine babies, in five gallon buckets work well, 3 x 3 in 6ft x 6ft grow area. This will give nine babies who will be healthy and give a larger yield and higher quality

If I ever in the past grew 14 babies under 600w system, I would have gotten smaller yield, fewer quality yield and higher yield of swag.

nine babies produce a solid 3 per baby = 27 high quality
14 babies 1 to 2 per baby = 14 to 28 some high quality, al ot ok quality.

Your choice, me i take nine


Well-Known Member
well they havent shown preflowers yet so its better to have more than less at this stage VeGan

how far are your lights from from the babies? U say you r going to use 600w for 15 babies? I thinking, Too many babies, or need secordary light ( when u start stage 3(flowering)

Me ,If I had a, 600w watered cooled system. (You have about a 6ft x 6ft grow area with a 600 watt system.) Nine babies, in five gallon buckets work well, 3 x 3 in 6ft x 6ft grow area. This will give nine babies who will be healthy and give a larger yield and higher quality

If I ever in the past grew 14 babies under 600w system, I would have gotten smaller yield, fewer quality yield and higher yield of swag.

nine babies produce a solid 3 per baby = 27 high quality
14 babies 1 to 2 per baby = 14 to 28 some high quality, al ot ok quality.

Your choice, me i take nine


Well-Known Member
You definitely have a Nitrogen deficiency. It doesn't look to bad but you need to do something about it. The nutes that they gave you should be fine. You might need to get a supplement nut to add with them. But the problem you have now is not calcium or magnesium but Nitrogen. This means that you need to look at the solution that you are using to water with now. I didn't read all of your thread so I will just get to it. You need to change the water out that you use about once every week or two depending on how much water it is. I don't use a ppm meter I just wing it. With your plants showing that much of a problem you might want to try and bust your nut levels to the aggressive growth level or just under it. Flushing the plants will just take more of the nutrients out of them witch is not a good idea. You should be whatering about 5 times a day for about 5 to 10 min. You should also go and get drip valves for the ends of the hoses from lowes. They are in the irrigation area. I hope this helps some. I say your post in the White Widow grow and thought I would try and help. When I have some time I will go through your thread and get back to you on anything else I see. Check out my grow for the nutes I use and later in it I show a supliment I use now also.
If I water 5x a day, for 5-10 minutes, the cube will NEVER dry out..i know that for a FACT. These are 6 inch cubes which hold a shitload of water...and when watered generously, hold the water for a good few days probably if i let it go that long.

HOW MUCH WATER goes into your plants at each watering? How much do the Drip Valves let out?? Like, SUPER slow drip, or continuous flow? Also, different valves have different flows....So what kind of valve is best?

i'm going to test these valves I got that make the water come out like a little mini sprinkler... 6 little streams of water that sprout out the center of the valve. Do you think that would let out too much water?

THANKS AGAIN and good luck to your grow!!! Looking forward to your response :)


Well-Known Member
how far are your lights from from the babies? U say you r going to use 600w for 15 babies? I thinking, Too many babies, or need secordary light ( when u start stage 3(flowering)

Me ,If I had a, 600w watered cooled system. (You have about a 6ft x 6ft grow area with a 600 watt system.) Nine babies, in five gallon buckets work well, 3 x 3 in 6ft x 6ft grow area. This will give nine babies who will be healthy and give a larger yield and higher quality

If I ever in the past grew 14 babies under 600w system, I would have gotten smaller yield, fewer quality yield and higher yield of swag.

nine babies produce a solid 3 per baby = 27 high quality
14 babies 1 to 2 per baby = 14 to 28 some high quality, al ot ok quality.

Your choice, me i take nine
Thanks man! However, with rockwool they grow pretty large without having to have a large resevoir bucket. 6 inch cubes are intended to create a large yield. :0

Have a couple extra lights on them. They are nowhere near flowering stage yet.