My 2015 NorCal outdoor grow ! Stay tuned

Shasta... so yes and no, lol
Here is my resume...
we might need to order another 35 yards. but we will see this coming thursday.

What size pot you doing ?? Or you doing wood boxes what size 4x4 , 5x5 , 6x6 ? Holes ?? 100 gallons is 13.5 cubic ft and and half a yard so base your math off that so 200 gallons is 27 cubic ft and 1 cubic yard and so can't wait to see your updates

What size pot you doing ?? Or you doing wood boxes what size 4x4 , 5x5 , 6x6 ? Holes ?? 100 gallons is 13.5 cubic ft and and half a yard so base your math off that so 200 gallons is 27 cubic ft and 1 cubic yard and so can't wait to see your updates

im high on white knucles as I type this lmao!.... since aint paying for soil, we just going to keep ordering TRUCK LOADS untill those fuckers are filled with joy!

-Jugz (stoned as fuck)