My 24 Plant Outdoor Grow of 2008 (Pics)


Well-Known Member
For real, I feel like myself again, its great. I am also motivated to keep my "eyes on the prize" this year when it comes to my grow.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but I'm just not a believer that topping really adds THAT much yield, I would say it might increase it by 15-20% AT MOST! Not to mention the week of lost growth due to healing. So IMO with my current situation of not having limits on the size of my plants, My christmas trees are going to put out weight...Quote me on that one.


Well-Known Member
He stated earlier that he doesnt have to worry about flyovers in his area. I still give anyone props for that anywhere in the U.S..........


Well-Known Member
Im nervous about mine, hopefully they will continue to be unoticed... nice plants buddy. I hope they turn out for you. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, I haven't seen them for 4 days and they've been in the ground for 6. My grow partner saw them today and informed me that they have grown about 6 inches in the last 6 days... is this possible?

I knew putting them in that much space with such high quality soil would make a difference but 6 inches? I really need to check on them to see if he's telling the truth or exhaggerating cuz he's too high to realize it?! Lol well If they are that nice I'm gonna post some updates w/ pics tonight so you guys can see the progress.

By the way, I live in a rural area so it's not such a big deal to worry about aerial views, and the way the landscape is formed with the hills, it is nearly impossible to spot my garden until you are right up on it... really nice location...


Well-Known Member
yea they very well could have grown 6 inches, on a beamin day outside my plants make a shitload of progress and they are only like 10-12 inches right now if that helps, one night one of my girls got tied down and overnight a stock grew off the side about 3-4 inches


Well-Known Member
he said in another thread a local nursery makes it.
Thanks smokin for bein' there to answer when i'm not immediately! Your grow is kickin' ass i'm sure and I get to see mine tomorrow for the first time in a full week, its gonna be badass because before that I was seeing them every day!

I'm definately going to notice the change this time when I go see em'!

Fuck I'm so excited that they are all in the very first stage of flowering, I'm so fucking happy! I can't wait to see over 20 top colas... Makes me drool! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
My soil mix is as follows

2/3 Garden Mix pre-mixed Local dankage:

(20% Sand, 30% Peat Moss, 30% Compost, 20% Black Organic Topsoil)

1/3 Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss

It is by far the best mix I've ever used on an outdoor grow, the only thing missing is Perlite but the landowner will not allow the use of perlite because it is permanent and is hard to get rid of, as well as the stealthy factor its very easy to tell a plant has been cultivated when there is Perlite floating on top of the local soil... heh :rolleyes:

I use MG All-Purpose plant food along with NEPTUNE'S HARVEST: ORGANIC FISH AND SEAWEED FERTILIZER, I'm in love with the organic beyond my expectations... :wink:


Well-Known Member
I'll let the pics speak for me...
They've grown 6 inches in the first week since they were transplanted into the ground! Now my hopes of a good yield are actually rising. I mean with 10 females around 2 - 3 1/2 Feet, and another 12 from 1.5 - 2 Feet, I'm guessing to yield at least 2 Pounds. Possibly 3+ if they keep exploding...hehe

P.S. It got so hot and a couple of the potted plants dried up so much in just 2 days that they are wilted and yellowing on the bottom, I gave them and the rest of the ladies a nice drink and feeding of 15-30-15 nutes. They should be perked up by the afternoon tomorrow I would think. :hump: Look at those sexy hairs, some are even pink.



Well-Known Member
Coming along nice,those dried out ones will bounce back pretty quick the same thing happened to me a few times :peace: