Well-Known Member
No I was not a officer......I was a factory supervisor.....Thanks for askingYou were a screw?Lowlife POS. Fucking hate you fucks.
No I was not a officer......I was a factory supervisor.....Thanks for askingYou were a screw?Lowlife POS. Fucking hate you fucks.
Thanks for the good wishes, it's mutual!Not joking one bit. Fuck them fuckwads. He shouldn't have scars to prove it. He should be having a tombstone. Mean it from the very depths of my being. Only thing worse than a CO is a CO still breathing. Worthless pos's.
Now im not going to lie. im not a particular fan of the babysitters in the can, but folsom is a place for real asshole. someones gotta watch em. Its not their fault. a jobs a job, and its really our bleeding heart society that forces us to babytit them.Not joking one bit. Fuck them fuckwads. He shouldn't have scars to prove it. He should be having a tombstone. Mean it from the very depths of my being. Only thing worse than a CO is a CO still breathing. Worthless pos's.
I had a factory to run, 5 days a week. Being "shitty' to inmates ain't gonna get 20,000 plates a day made. Ask any inmate that's been to prison, about "Prison Industries". These factories are owned by the inmates, no state funds were used to buy the equipment, all self funded. Inmates defended PIA jobs as the best thing to happen to them in prison. We treated them like employees, they felt like they were out fo prison for the day.nothing to brag about.You are scum.No way you can work in a prison for 25 years and not be as shitty as the inmates
You were at Folsom? For a DIU?thats bullshit.I went up for DUI (pot) and ended up in a super max for 4 fucking years.All thanks to the asshole pig fuck guards trying to push me around.I was lucky to get outta there alive.
I don't wish you a thing. But I have something just for you. Oh and BTW. SUPERVISE THESE NUTS ON YOUR CHIN.Thanks for the good wishes, it's mutual!
I apologize I should have been more clear, I as NOT an officer, I was considered "free staff". Not everyone that works in a prison is a police officer. There are doctors & nurses & teachers & factory supervisors.Nobody in their right mind would post a picture of their C/O badge and claim to grow weed for this many years and then ask for your pictures. This whole thing is whacky. The craziest thing is you have so many followers sticking up for you. Watch the damn video I posted people. Cultivating will get you into serious shit with State and Federal and I don't care where you are from.
I can introduce you to hundreds of inmates that would argu with you, but I won't. You just don't know any better.Better than you. You were at Folsom for a check that made you lower than the belly of a snake. People who work in prisons are lazy fucks that get the job so they can sit on their fat retarded asses while the slave convicts do their work. Fucking lowlife. I hope you are as miserable ad you look. Fucking waste of food space and oxygen is all you are. You smoking herb is a sacrilege. It makes me wanna puke that you are actually proud of being a lazy fuck slave driver. Wouldn't piss on your sorry ass if you were on fire. I do t give a flying fuck who doesn't like these words as you should not even be on this site you fucking soulless slob.
Boy, you a joy to have around!Choke on your boyfriends cock and die cop lover