brother, early or not, that plant looked fuckin delicious. +rep for that shit first of all, fuckin NICE job, and especially with CFLs man - lookin at how that one bitch turned out is really an encouraging thing to see, especially to anybody else whos goin CFL right now. You should post your harvest in the cfl section just to let people see what your workin with man. fuckin beautiful.
Next, lol, about your stairs, hehe - i dont think there is a top step bro

theres people that have been growing for ten years and are still learning new things about the whole thing every single time they plant new girls man. Becoming a master grower takes time sure, but even once that happens and you move on to breeding, youll still be climbin step by step man, thats what makes this shit so much fun. If there was a cieling to how much we can learn from our plants, then after doin it for so many years it would stop being so interesting, and thats just not the case man, people have been growin for 20+ years and are still on here reporting new shit theyve found out about their plants and their own personal skill as growers. Just like you man, i cant wait to get there either personally
The most important thing is man, is that your on the right track in a serious way. Just look at how good you did with some cfls bro. Imagine how much fatter n nicer your bitches are gonna turn out with that HPS and your full ventilation system all setup n ready to go. Gonna end up with some fuckin BEASTY buds.
Congrats on your harvest man. Early or not, she was lookin fuckin great. I hope my bitches turn out that hearty and fat lookin man. Do it again!!!