Well-Known Member
Thanks Chemi...Your talking about the aquarium type pads, right? Should those be mounted on the inside of the box so the fan pulls air through the pad or mounted on the outside so the fan pushes the air through it? I've heard that there may be issues with the pc fan having enough power to pull/push through carbon that something that I should worry about with the carbon pads?
The location of the filter is up to you,if you mount the filter on the outside of the case there is a chance where stale air could be pushed around the sides of the filter & let smell escape,the same issue applies with mounting inside the case,if there are any areas around the sides of the filter where stale air can be sucked through it will once again smell up the joint.
The main thing to remember when using any type filter is this, pressurized air weather being pushed or pulled will ALLWAYS TAKE THE PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE,no matter where the filter is mounted or what method is used to attach the filter the resistance principal dictates how to best use the filter.
As for the filter being too thick for the pc fan your going to need to do some experimenting to see,ya gotta remember as far as fans go you are using the smallest & weakest fan out of all fan types,it is what it is & you have a tiny little fan, any material you put inline with that small of fan is going to slow air flow,how much it slows the fan depends soley on the material used.
If it were me i'd use the guy's idea of fish tank filters,i'd go to meijers & buy every type & thickness filter they have,test them all,use the model that works best & return the rest.