my 3 plants


Awe jy you got some real sexy pants growing there brah, they are lukin gooood. i wudnt worry that much, oviously u dik worried cuz hey ur babies, but give it some time an c if it realy goes bad,, in the meen time search he net, becarfull of insectisides an shit cuz it cud be worse in the long run.. what lights are you using? i got normal cfls and my plants bout same size as yours. smoke fiyah


Well-Known Member
It doesn't look all that bad... it's common for the bottom leaves to yellow first... it also maybe that you slightly overfeed them once... I would just give one good flush and it should be fine.


Well-Known Member
My green house seeds are still in their training bras... just working on their second set of leaves. There's one each of White Rhino, White Widow, Cheese, plus a Blueberry from DP and a Hash plant freebie. The Greenhouse seeds were late germinating, but the Cheese went really quick and the White Widow wasn't far behind, but the White Rhino is lagging slightly. I also tried to germinate a Hawaiian Snow seed from GH seeds, but it didn't take.

In flower right now I've got, what I'm told, is a G13 plant 4.5 weeks in... looking good. One of the two G13s stunted at a foot and a half which I don't know if it is a interesting phenotype or I just did something bad to it. They have a nice golden shimmer to them and a subtle sour/spice smell to them. I tried some of this product from a buddy who grew it and thought it was great! Just put two more of these guys into the flower room, although I'm trying to flower some really young plants just as an experiment (I heard people here talking about flowering from seed and I thought I'd give it a shot). I planted too many of the G13, especially since now I have the Greenhouse seeds, so it's ok if a few don't make it.

I also have a small plant which a friend says is a government strain... canadian government that is. I also tried some of his product and it was a very nice mellowing buzz... I find this plant currently smells amazing, whatever it is, kind of like what I imagine the cheese would smell... sour cream? Just put another one of these ones into flower this week, the current one I have is too small.

Lastly I have 2 plants from a terrible place called They are not as advertised, and whatever the genetics of this strain are, it is tall and spindly, and a really late bloomer, so I guess it must be a sativa. I keep killing off more of them to make room for other plants, so I might be down to 1 plant of these things by the end. They are already to the top of my room, so I bent the tops so they hopefully they won't get any taller, and if they get any wider I'll just cut it back.

and that's about it...


Well-Known Member
Did you search the place where the seed were purchased from? Google maybe? :dunce:
Lol just chop them when they are ready not when some site says they will be ready

mark pearce

Well-Known Member
has any grown these strains?wud like 2 know wot 2 expect with taste and yield?the rhino is frostin up the most and there all startin 2 smell lovely now