my 3 stages of flower


Well-Known Member
always nice to see you buddy. hows the north country? you will love the mini and parabolics. i am just rolling out bud from full time parabolics and superskunk has never looked this good. and i cant believe how much more space i have with all the ducting gone. you are the king of aero coolers.


Right on guys, tell ya one thing! Its a sumbitch to find anybody to ship a minisplit to the north. Found a outfit in Newyork state, only cost 342.00$ to ship it up. We have been running the #18 OG Kush this round , so far were liking!! The dam things are huge! I had mamma pull the elevation boxes out from under neath the coolers to gain 4-5 inches, so now the roots are sitting in 2-3 inches of nutes in the bottoms. With the nutes being kept at 62-65 the roots smell delicious, no slime or anything. were at 4th week flower and there tickling the glass on the light hood. Well back to work here, have a great day and I will be checking in more often :) Peace 907


Active Member
Hey SS, how constant does your ppm stay from day to day?? I can't for the life of me keep them from jumping up 50-75 every day! I play with my ph, 5.6-6.1, have dropping my ppm to 600(my meter is .5 conversion) and have been playing with it a long time. Am I making too much of it? Not having any issues but I thought if everything was dialed in, res levels drop and ppm should remain somewhat constant.


Well-Known Member
thats not too bad dude, but if i start a flower res at 850 then when ready to change three weeks later they will be 830-890 with 30-40 gal gone.


Active Member
If I didn't add water for two weeks, mine would be close to 2000 ppm! Wonder if my meter is fucked up? It is calibrated correctly! Hmmmm?


Active Member
hey SS hows things going mate id love to see some pics of sytem in full bloom if u want u can pm me them mate so as not to give that complete and utter dickhead the satisfaction of seeing them lol.

just to give me a idea of the size u grow them and if im going ahead with this for winter or not.... thanks either way bro


Active Member
Didn't one of the old members from StinkBud's site say he had a copy of the old site? To bad you couldn't copy your grow journal from there to here! There was a lot of info there and some really nice bud porn!!

On a different subject, is there anything a person can do to assist in the growth of roots in veg? And do you think you get better results with the Pondzyme than
the Great White or is it just a better price?


Well-Known Member
i love the pondzyme not only because its cheap, but it works better. my veg roots are so thick now i have trouble getting them in the holes when rotating.


Active Member
With barley, right? And is it something that I could personally take cause I would enjoy having a hard time getting into the hole;)


Active Member
Never scrapped my clones before but, I did two batches ago and are at week two of veg, and are BY FAR the best looking roots as a group that I have ever had!!

Oh yeah, 20 of the 23 seeds I popped are doing great however, I marked the collars with a black permanent marker! Just noticed yesterday that the marker has wore off and I have no fucking idea what each plant is;);)


Well-Known Member
when i am dealing with multples of the same strain after popping seeds i pick a certain collar color for that strain and then use colored thumbtacks to differentiate within strains.


Active Member
Dumbass I am:) I do the push pin thing when I start sexing! I normally mark a collar and slip the collar onto my shelving, just forgot:(


Well-Known Member
strike it up to the pain meds. i wish you blessings, luck, and quick healing on the surgury tomorrow old dude. let me know if you need anything other than the blue collars i still owe you.