my 3 stages of flower


Well-Known Member
Hey SS great system and great looking plants. Looks like you got a nice grow op going. I started off a long time ago building off of stinkbuds plans as well modifying them as I went.

This round I have no aero set-ups really besides my cloner. Just reading through and I seen some stuff I was doing that I was curious about.

I use a dehumidifier as a cooler and I just bent the evap coil right into the res. My evap coil is more stainless though and only a few copper coils. I have not seen any ill effects yet and it actually saved my plants in my UC set up. I run it for 15mins on and 2hrs off and my res wont come over 60 degree's circulating 30-40gals. lol. It used to be right under 80 degree's.

I seen that ocean green posted about copper and locking the plants out of iron. Just wanted to say that I guess Ill be the experimental subject and see what happens. lol. Works to good at 40 bucks for a used dehumidifier rather than a 400 dollar chiller. Work's way better too.

Next thing I will be doing is the DIY Tankless water heater for co2 burner. This is all from LegalyFlying as well.

Think I may build my self a supper vegger for my hempy vertical racks though. Get them a bit bigger before I transplant into 2 gal air pots.

Oh and I have used botanicare in lp aero with no ill effects. Always had great and healthy plants. High Pressure aero is where it might be a problem.


Active Member
I'm up for a contest! I'm no pro, I just copy what others that make sense do and try to pass on that knowledge:) I have however been called an "Old Fart"!


Well-Known Member
I surely wasn't meaning a contest on this subject, as you guys can see I am green when it comes to this system. But I am an Old Fart, Just ask my wife, she tells me all the time! ;)


Active Member
OK, gonna tell all what I have been doing. Since my back operations, I have been trying to come up with ways to not bend over so much. So for the last 8 weeks, I have been running a hybrid aero/DWC in veg! No air stones, just the misters with the nute solution kept right below the PVC! Results are as good if not better than with just aero! I have the totes sitting waiste high on stainless steel racks. It is a bit of a pain in the ass when adding anything but, it works for me and I'm not bending over as much!


Active Member
my vegger is done, but i think i may have put too many sprayers in. water is barely squirting out of the sprayers, and some of the sprayers are practaclly spraying backwards, because of the low pressure, they just spray to the sides and back.

but rather then re-do it, i think im just going to try and get a better pump.
i have the 396 on there now.
im thining of saying fuck it and getting the 1267
Is that too hardcore?

it uses 5x more electricity then the 396 (192w)

what does SS use for his double vegger?


Well-Known Member
If i remember reading it was the 636 gph pump. Not my system but with a bigger pump you'll get a finer mist. Also help you with your low pressure issue. Id say just got with the 1000gph as well.

I used to build the same things long ago and used the 636 as well with great results. Only about 8-10 sprayers though.


Well-Known Member
my vegger is done, but i think i may have put too many sprayers in. water is barely squirting out of the sprayers, and some of the sprayers are practaclly spraying backwards, because of the low pressure, they just spray to the sides and back.

but rather then re-do it, i think im just going to try and get a better pump.
i have the 396 on there now.
im thining of saying fuck it and getting the 1267
Is that too hardcore?

it uses 5x more electricity then the 396 (192w)

what does SS use for his double vegger?
From what I read you might need a chiller, it seems the general rule is bigger pump = more heat.


Well-Known Member
OK, gonna tell all what I have been doing. Since my back operations, I have been trying to come up with ways to not bend over so much. So for the last 8 weeks, I have been running a hybrid aero/DWC in veg! No air stones, just the misters with the nute solution kept right below the PVC! Results are as good if not better than with just aero! I have the totes sitting waiste high on stainless steel racks. It is a bit of a pain in the ass when adding anything but, it works for me and I'm not bending over as much!
I feel your pain Old Dude! I have had 2 back surgeries, First when I was 22 or so and then another around 35. Now they want to fuse my vertebra, not going to do that until I can't walk anymore. Glad to hear you found a way around aggravating your back while gardening.


Well-Known Member
get a humidifier and use the nute recipe on here(botnaicare)

just follow step by step,, its all pretty muhc here. look at all the questions i asked. will answer most of yours ;)
Got a humidifier today, just set it up and put it on, now I need to get that dialed in :) I feel like a like kid, haven't been this excited about a project in a long time.


Well-Known Member
I hate when I don't think! I bought a new humidifier the other day, then last night I am talking to the wife and I said I thought we used to have one. Sure enough she is like, "Oh yeah, I remember now, we put that in the attic when we moved here". Sure as shit 5 minutes in the attic and whalla, I have the Holmes 3500, this thing is a monster. I cleaned it up, ordered a new filter from amazon, surprised I could get one as this thing is old. I turned it on last night with the old filter in the general basement area. Maybe this will help everything in the house including my dry skin. :)


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2207309View attachment 2207310View attachment 2207311i had some pm's asking for pics of vegger and drain setup for flower.
Hey SS how do the rails drain, bottom and I can't see it? Not the grey coupling correct?

Thanks again to everyone here especially SS! You guys are amazing.

I plan on switching to 12/12 Sunday, I can't wait. I got some clones last Sunday will take more today, that way I can give them a couple of days to heal before switching lights. Is this the preferred method or can you take clones right before changing light schedule? Should I give them more days then just the 2 to recover.



Well-Known Member
See the 2" PVC pipe? There are sections cut out that the rails slip into. Not a single leak.
Take cuttings when ever, I don't worry about it.


Well-Known Member
I see now and then that pipe drains back to the tank through the Tee. I bet that keeps noise down as well.
