My 35 day old mid-grade plants- any suggestion

i linked it on this thread before and tried to find it but cant let me try again
it is about a guy growing in a abandoned building

haha found it u have to read through it everyone gets the guy all pumped up to steal his plants back

lol pretty funny...did you see the comic someone made?

I still think this thread takes the cake though :p
you need knowledge to make it to experience

Totally no. It's an interaction of the two that leads to development, and wisdom.

US (and therefore the world...and consequently human) psychology really has perpetuated that myth, and continues too. The alternatives lead to developmental freedom which is clearly something not in the interests of those who hold the power in society.
dude.. this guy changed his name to OutdoorHope420 .. the legend continues......... somebody need to list the funny comments associated with this thread . im making my own shirt dammit. lol "DRACULA GETS MORE LIGHT " made my day . lol thank god for this thread
okay, i have a closet grow room, running one cfl bulb n a grow bulb in a dual sided house lamp, i have a humidifier as my circulation system, i dont run the humidifier part i only run the fan, i have them under 24-7 light, it keep it 75-85 degrees, i water only when i think they need waterd, maybe once a day or once every two days with a miracle grow n cold water mixture. my tallest plant is my babi and is about 10 inches- 1 ft tall wif its fourth set of leaves, there only 3 sided leafs though so im not sure whats going on, but on my biggest plant i noticed the first set of leaves the round circular ones are startin to fall of and the first set of fan leaves have brown spots on the tips, whats the problem? my second tallest plant, remember they have all been growing for 35 days, i started wif 10 plants now i have 3, the second tAllest plant has his first circular leaves and its first set of fan leaves, but its fan leaves look retarded and are shriviling up and yellowing, n that plant hasnt grown at all in two weeks or so, what can i do to save that plant n make it grow again? my last plant n my babi was growing the strongest stem, was the shortest n had the most set of fan leaves growing so i think she might be a female, i transplanted it to a bigger huge pot directly under light n with barley any circulation, it stopped growing for 2 weeks n still isnt growing ive translpated it bak to a smaller pot in hopes that it will start growing again but so far no good, what can i do to help it survive, any suggestions or comments are appreciated thankyou... pics of my 35 day old plants below










Water mixture?
MY STRAIN= MID-GRADE... 10 buck a gram okay everyday smokin bud nothin special just out of the sack seeds, my tallest plant im proud of though. i just wanna get these suckers to bud im gonna add more lighting right now before i even have sex wif my more advice please!!
Well Honestly It Still Dips Into The Mid 30s And Highs Are Only 65 At Best, Another Two Weeks Or So And We Will Be Xpecting Better Weather Start Getting Into The 70's, I Have A Thermometer In The Grow Room Under The Lights And In The Circulation To Give Me A Fair Reading Of The Temps... N Ive Went Everywhere True Value Sears K-mart Askin For Hps Bulbs N They Keep Telling Me They Havent Heard Of Them Where Do I Get Them, How Much Do They Cost, Does The Aero Grow 150 Buck Hydroponic System Work? For Now Im Gonna Keep My Plants Under Two Cfls And A Grow Bulb And Hope For The Best... Any More Suggestions Please Help But Remember Im Broke For Now
Do u call that a grow room?
i am planning on purchasing 3 42 watt cfls giving off 2700 lumens a piece, n i added a humidifer to the grow room, n i moved the plants within a inch of their current lights will this help out at all, n can male plants bud? i heard that they can bud but the smoke is bad because it has alot of seeds, is this true or not thankyou
i was thinking that i was a noob but now i fell like jorge cervantes!!! Lmfao
yes get some lights, cfls will work but you will need at least a half-dozen of them. otherwise it's not going to be worth the time and effort to grow a plant.