My 3rd grow


I’m on my third grow, one plant looks dodgy ?
Could this be mould ?
I’d really appreciate some advice please
My set up
120-80 by 180cm tall
Hps 600
6 inch fan
Miracle grow organic
00 seeds northern light x3
00 seeds x1 something this is the plant that’s affected
Many thanks



Well-Known Member
Looks like you have bugs. And even with the lights on it looks like you have some nutrient issues going on as well.
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thanks for the reply
Fuck , can’t see them
Is it google time, or do the old hands have some wise treatment / advice


Well-Known Member
Good thing you're still in veg. There are many different treatments available. Most products will work if used multiple times over the course of a week to 10 days to ensure you kill not just the adults but any that are still in egg form. Neem treatment every 3 days for 10 days. Products like Flying Skull Nuke Em that contain citric acid are contact killers and will kill the adults immediately. There are many treatments available.

I would take those plants into the shower, spray them off real good and then spray them with a miticide. You want to get them dead now before you start flowering because once your plants are in flower you are limited with the type of treatments you can use.


Well-Known Member
Thank you so much xtsho
I zoomed in , I see something moving
Would this work
No do not waste time with that. I see you're in GB. I'm in the United States so I'm not sure what products are available to you.
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Thanks I’ve ordered the neem oil , I’ve got citric acid already
Wine making
I really am grateful thank you


I’m driving my self mad on google
How do the experienced mix, neem and citric acid ?
I’m thinking of making up 25litre and submerging my girls, is that good ?
Sorry for all the help requests


Well-Known Member
Thanks I’ve ordered the neem oil , I’ve got citric acid already
Wine making
I really am grateful thank you
Since you already have citric acid I'd spray them with that right away. 2 - 3 teaspoons to a 1 liter of water. I'd use 2 myself and have found that amount to be effective. You don't want to damage the leaves with too strong of a solution. Wait a couple hours and then spray them off with water. That will kill the adults already present and wash them away.

Then spray with a teaspoon of neem to 1 liter of water. You'll need to add a few drops of liquid dish soap as a surfactant. Spray the top of the soil really well also. Spray again in 3 days and then again in 3 more. Do this without the lights on and do not put them back under the lights until the plants are dry. You can spray the plants with plain water before each spray. Just make sure the plants are dry when you spray the neem. That should kill off every stage of the lifecycle.

I wouldn't mix the neem and citric acid for the same treatment. Citric acid is a contact killer and neem is somewhat as well but is a great preventative. Dunking the plants is a good way to ensure that all leaf surfaces are covered with the solution.

Good luck. Those bugs can be a battle.