My 5Ft Plants Flowering


Well-Known Member
Yea by the looks of it i dont think i have spirder mites but i have like pretty big brown dots on my leaves and then the backs have like really little white specs. I have had like big cut worms on my plant before. Do you think it could be them again? And can i still use the same bug killer i used on my plant before even though its in flowering?


Well-Known Member
Most insecticides, especially those used on vegetables will not harm you or your plants. By the way, don't you have a birthday coming up soon?? VV


Well-Known Member
Birthday what? Yea i know they wont hurt it during like veg but will it hurt them in flowering or it doesnt matter. I was thinking it might affect the smoke of the bud or something. Well shes looking pretty nice though. I checked on her today and ill get some pics tomorrow. Im taking a pic every week to show the difference. Hope you all enjoy. Leave a lot of feeback. I want to make this thread huge.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, get some pics up of those leaf's and I am sure someone here will know with high probability what it is...Look forward to those pics!


Well-Known Member
Its safe to use from planting until harvest. Its topical, it doesn't get into the plant. 3 days of misting will rinse it off. Remember the discusion we had about your age when you first posted?? VV


Well-Known Member
Is it me or are there a lot of bud sites on my plant. For some reason to me it looks like its covered in bud sites. Am i seeing it correctly? I have new pics of her but i took them when it was kind of raining outside so they didnt turn out amazing or anything. Does anyone know how far along she is? Because i was away when she started budding. and im guessing at the most shes 2 weeks into flowering now.


Well-Known Member
These are the raining pictures. It looks like it was pouring but it was just misting.

Looks pretty bad in these pics but i think shes getting bigger buds. Atleast I hope so.


Well-Known Member
Yea i really hope shes on schedule. FDD have you ever had like brwn dots on your leaves? Like the size of a cigarette tip or cigar. Cause it looks like cigarette burns on some of my inner fan leaves and I dont know whats wrong with her. Like i doubt this will hurt her in flowering unless it gets really bad but i hope not.


Well-Known Member
These are new pics i took of my plant today. What do you think? How long do you think she has been in the flowering phase? Cause im not really sure when she started i think like 2 1/2 weeks ago. Not really sure though. Well give me your input on her. What do you think is wrong with some of her big fan leaves? They have little brown spots on them.



Well-Known Member
Ummm i have all these brown spots on my leaves. And some of the bottoms leaves and inner leaves are turning yellow and dieing. Are the brown spots and yellowing normal? I looked at spridermites online and those are smaller brown spots. These look more like cigarette sized burns. What should I do? Im 3-4 weeks in floweing. Is this gonna hurt my buds? And i saw one of my buds had like a brown leaf in it. I dunno whats going on.


Well-Known Member
i had the same problem but i think yours looks alittle different. I thought my problem was spider mites but i wasnt sure so i didnt do anything. a week later i went to check a few of my plants and almost all the leaves were gone and what was left had tons of brown holes on it but the buds looked fine. so after all this i sprayed some soapy water on the underside of the leaves as well as all over the plant. its been about 1 week in a half since then and the new fan leaves have no holes in them at all so im safe for now.. i hope i did the right thing.