my 600 watt setup, need opions!


hey, RIU
This is my first indoor grow, but second grow..

my setup

6x5x6 home made tent(180cubic feet)
600 watt batwing setup, dimmable, digital ballast
165 cfm inline fan filter combo
100 cfm intake

Spring in ontario is not even here and its 20 degrees outside!

I came home from work, and went in my attic n it was 28 degrees ceclius (82 degrees f) that was a hour before lights would be on so i decided to switch light time during the day time and not during night time so i wont have any problems wit bud rot, 7am-11pm

so im deciding to buy either a cooltube with batwing reflector, or a air cooled reflector! NEED OPIONS!!!!





Well-Known Member
You need venting through cool tubes, seal system up and draw air in from outside through cooltubes and right to the outside again, as long as cool tubes are sealed from room the smell won't exhaust out, then all you gotta do is worry about regular attic temps, which can get excessively hot during the day time.


Active Member
Tear all that aluminum foil out. If any tiny beam of light hits the foil at the right angle it will burn your plants or if powerful enough burn your house down. The shiny reflective material you see everywhere is called mylar.


Well-Known Member
aluminum foil = bad. it creates hot spots that burn ur plants. ur better off setting up plywood and painting it flat white since ur in a tent or us mylar. way better stuff. vented hood. will do the same thing as a cooltube and will disperse ur light more. plus u can pick up a pretty good sealed hod for about 80 bucks. also a simple space heater on low should keep ur spot warm at night. put it on a timer and u will never have to mes with it. but besides the foil it looks good.


i kno aluminum foil is kinda bad but i have to roll with until i upgrade my whole room, so im getting a vented hood on ebay,

i went in my grow room and it was 29 degrees celsuis, and outside was 23 degrees td, so im think of buying insulation foam because my spot isnt insulated, only surrounded with tarps, well my whole attic isnt insulated n i dont want to insulated the whole attic, because that would be way too much money, n im on a tight budget, I ALSO HAVE A WINDOW UP THERE JUST INCASE IF IT GETS TO HOT, I CAN OPEN IT!


Well-Known Member
hey man the tin foil will do u ,ore harm than good. really. its prob ur best bet to get rid of it. use card board and a staple gun to get some makeshift walls or something and paint it flat white. one window might not be enough. u will need an intake and exhaust. intake for cold air preferably down below and the exhaust up high since heat rises. oh and ur grow has to be light tight. during dark hours ur plants shouldnt have any light leaks. repetitive light leaks for too long of periods can cause ur babies to hermie and give u seeded bud.

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
Just go buy a glossy white painters throw cloths which they sell at any Home Depot (not necessarily cloth) use a staple gun like the post before mentioned and form your walls that way until you put something together more permanent. Agree with all above in regard to cool tubes. Attics always concern me especially come summer.


Well-Known Member
Y'all are full uf shit - you just repeat what you have heard without thinking it through.
Foil will not cause your plants to burn - it is not a good reflector, but it will not concentrate the light and burn the plant.

If burning from reflected light were an issue, then the better reflectors would be a problem as well. Quit repeating shit you don't know to be true.


New Member
Y'all are full uf shit - you just repeat what you have heard without thinking it through.
Foil will not cause your plants to burn - it is not a good reflector, but it will not concentrate the light and burn the plant.

If burning from reflected light were an issue, then the better reflectors would be a problem as well. Quit repeating shit you don't know to be true.

BOOOOM!!! And the toughguy has arrived!

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
Y'all are full uf shit - you just repeat what you have heard without thinking it through.
Foil will not cause your plants to burn - it is not a good reflector, but it will not concentrate the light and burn the plant.

If burning from reflected light were an issue, then the better reflectors would be a problem as well. Quit repeating shit you don't know to be true.
WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND anyone who says it must be it!

Foil will burn your plants I've seen it!


i have ventilation 24/7, as yu can see in my first post, so should i get a cooltube instead of vented hood like hoods leave more of a footprint then a cooltube..


Well-Known Member
Y'all are full uf shit - you just repeat what you have heard without thinking it through.
Foil will not cause your plants to burn - it is not a good reflector, but it will not concentrate the light and burn the plant.

If burning from reflected light were an issue, then the better reflectors would be a problem as well. Quit repeating shit you don't know to be true.
foil creates hot spots. have u notice all the good hoods and reflecters ur talking about all have dimpled surfaces? thats why. so stop acting all tough guy on us and think it thru. nice reflectors are dimpled so the evenly spread out ur light source. tin or aluminum foil has nothing but flat surfaces so that the reflected light isnt dispersed its just reflected. im otherwards u end up with a bright ass spot instead of a bright ass area. have u not read all the related tags and journals not to mention watched any of the pro grow dvd, or the high times nico escondido grow big dvd or the gorge cervantes grow like a pro dvd? these r dvds explaining exactly why u shouldnt use tin or aluminum foil from professional growers that harvest more in 1 harvest than u do in a lifetime.

so guys who would u listen to? jorge cervantes, nico escondido (the chief high times editor and professional grower or angelsbandit?


Well-Known Member
and yes i have indeed fried plants under a 1000 watt with aluminum foil. it doesnt disperse the light it just reflects it into a mean spot somewhere on the floor. the side of the plant that was facing the wall of foil got completely fried as the other side didnt.took a few days for me to notice the crisping and drying. it wont happen instantly. but it can happen over time. it happened a few times to me till i figured out what was going on. took out the foil and painted the walls white and it stopped. going from personal experience. nothing in my grow changed except the foil and the burning stopped. so believe what u guys want. i will just never use it again and would recommend that the newbies didnt as well.

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
Once again. Agreed, aluminum is out.The previous post is exactly right and they make the reflective wings corrugated (dimpled) out of a special aluminum to prevent burning. So you guys out there giving such short sided advice to a relative newbies is a crime. How would you have liked it when initially being educated on a pretty complex subject with many different opinions been given advice that could potentially damage there grow? That is criminal! C'MON MAN!


AND temperature starting friday will drop to 13 degrees during the the afternoon so lol im gonna switch back to night time schedule, and im not buying a cooltube because i need my lights to bring the temp up at night time, and its suppose to stay cool until may so maybe when the temps gett higher again i will buy a cooltube or ventedhood..


Well-Known Member
Wait a second... first it was foil burned plants because it dimples and now it burns plants because it's flat?

Mylar is flat and more reflective than foil!! AHhhhHHHhHHH! One time a mylar wall burnt down my house and then the super bright beam hit a plane and caught it on fire and then hit a satelite and burnt it up!! AhhhHHhhhHH!!

You guys crack me up. FOIL CANNOT BURN PLANTS or anything else any more than mylar, polish aluminum, white pain... Way too funny. Read a physics book. This has got to be the silliest rumor of them all as I guarantee you no one has ever seen a plant burned by aluminum foil. The generally accepted ranking of reflective surfaces is thus - Polished aluminum, closely backed mylar, aluminum foil, white paint. This is the generally accepted ranking based on many many light related forums (indoor gardening, aquarium... not just RIU) If polished aluminum is more reflective than foil then why would a dimple in polished aluminum not burn a plant? Why wouldn't a dimple in mylar burn a plant?

The thought behind foil burning plants is that it wrinkles easily and that a tiny tiny wrinkle can focus enough reflected heat that the heat burns the plant. So if you take the same small wrinkle in foil and create it in mylar (which reflects more heat than foil) then the mylar would burn the plant even more - same applies to polished aluminum. I keep my dimpled polished aluminum reflector 4" from my plants... Wouldn't a dimple ~6" from my plant and 2" from my bulb focus more light than a dimple in foil several feet from the bulb? Why doesn't my light burn all of my plants? This is super super simple people. Hell mylar creates large parabolic dimples more often than foil - a larger parabolic dimple in mylar would reflect far far more heat onto a single small spot than foil could ever accomplish.

I personally created a large parabolic dish out of foil in attempts to burn a plant and had no success. With a large enough mylar dish though... that's some heat.

The argument that it is dangerous because it is flat is even crazier. Light reflects at an equal and opposite angle off of flat surfaces. There is no way a flat surface is ever going to concentrate enough light onto one point to create a heat build up. This is like elementary school stuff...