my 8-10k watt kush grow


Well-Known Member
sweet cant wait to see em... oh and everytime my grow gets a lil bigger i think man if i get any bigger ill have to go hydro pain in the ass to water this many plants would be so much easier to just deal with a res. you dont see too many grower out there who grow on a large scale and grow soil so you obviously have the money and experiance, so what is ur reason for using soil over hydro?
it's soiless. i use chem nutes and everything, but i try to keep a micro herd going if i can. the reason i hand water such a big op is just cuz that's the way i've been doing it for years. consistently pull 2# a light, so if it's not broke don't fix it. hydro is good for seas of green though.


Well-Known Member
did u mean to say
"consistently pull 2 a light, instead oof 2# a light as in 2 pounds not sure if im just stoned or not lol if so id say dont fix it wither 10 lights equals a good healthy 20 and another 40 with the friend man im gonna go change my pants


Well-Known Member
Well for starters I was only using 1 light. I had a 1000w around a circle of decent sized plants....I also had a few 400ws in reflectors, in a vertical position. My room was small, I should have done more careful pruning. If I had done something like the checker board (lights and plants) I think I would have been better. Regardless I yielded higher than any flat grow with previously used (2X flower) and a little veg by that point.....


Well-Known Member
Looking damn good in there, nice cages, Clean way to do it, I always end up with strings hanging from every which way. Like your style.......


Well-Known Member
thats what i'mtalkin bout,fantastic grow you have there. i'm running 3050 watts for everything and with the hot weather(85-90) every day,i was shocked at my electric bill. 425.00 does that sound right based on what you run?


Well-Known Member
thats what i'mtalkin bout,fantastic grow you have there. i'm running 3050 watts for everything and with the hot weather(85-90) every day,i was shocked at my electric bill. 425.00 does that sound right based on what you run?
Sounds about right... I'm running 2200 or so and central air and got one for 300. Depends on where you live too, elec prices higher in cali than michigan for instance.


Nice work on dropping a lot of money into your garage hope fully it will pay off.
but all I see is plants in bags in a garage with some lights hanging not much rocket science there.

Why not air cooled hoods?and a dropped ceiling to hood height.
then some poly or mylar for that paneling before it starts to load up with humidity
I bet you can grow the same amount using less power and less space with some creative thinking.

I really think this kind of greedy growing will kill the legalize movement,
either from people trying to defend their crops or getting robed when they sell it.

The biggest issue I have with this is come harvest time you will have almost a million dollars in grass sitting in your house
you better live in a bunker because people kill for a lot less.
Who cares if it is legal... with this much product up for grabs I would not worry about the cops, they wont run in your house and put a bullet in everyones head!!


Well-Known Member
Nice work on dropping a lot of money into your garage hope fully it will pay off.
but all I see is plants in bags in a garage with some lights hanging not much rocket science there.

Why not air cooled hoods?and a dropped ceiling to hood height.
then some poly or mylar for that paneling before it starts to load up with humidity
I bet you can grow the same amount using less power and less space with some creative thinking.

I really think this kind of greedy growing will kill the legalize movement,
either from people trying to defend their crops or getting robed when they sell it.

The biggest issue I have with this is come harvest time you will have almost a million dollars in grass sitting in your house
you better live in a bunker because people kill for a lot less.
Who cares if it is legal... with this much product up for grabs I would not worry about the cops, they wont run in your house and put a bullet in everyones head!!

haha first off bro. there is a lot more into this setup than meets the eye. i've grown with air cooled hoods. the only advantage to an air cooled hood is if you have heat issues. i obviously don't. notice the 14 inch duct on the ceiling hooked to the 4 ton a/c? bare bulbs have the clear advantage over hoods. i use 360 degrees of my bulb. you use 180 degrees and w.e is reflected back(not much). as for it not beign rocket science. that's the way i like it. if it looks so easy to you. go out and do it...have fun. obviously you have no idea about commercial growing. i consistently pull down 2 lbs a light of primo bud. dense..stinky..tasty.

whats the point of wasting money on poly/mylar? there is verrrry little light hitting the walls. all 360 degrees of it is hitting the buds. my humidity is damn low. almost tooooo low. so that isn't an issue.

"this kind of greedy growing..." now your just plain fucking insulting me. i'm medical you fucking moron. this isn't greed. this is pure love in my garden. i'm providing so many people with their meds. and this ain't no million dollar garden brother. and as for people killing over a lot less...stfu. i've lived in some rough fucking neighborhoods and the gun laws in my state are awesome. someone comes in my shit..they're done for.

get the fuck out of my journal with your bullshit..peace.


Well-Known Member
well put. what an idiot who assumes that there are that many bare bulbs without any sort of cooling. hamandcheez your right and he is wrong. thanks for providing quality strains to people medical or not


Well-Known Member
Nice work on dropping a lot of money into your garage hope fully it will pay off.
but all I see is plants in bags in a garage with some lights hanging not much rocket science there.

Why not air cooled hoods?and a dropped ceiling to hood height.
then some poly or mylar for that paneling before it starts to load up with humidity
I bet you can grow the same amount using less power and less space with some creative thinking.

I really think this kind of greedy growing will kill the legalize movement,
either from people trying to defend their crops or getting robed when they sell it.

The biggest issue I have with this is come harvest time you will have almost a million dollars in grass sitting in your house
you better live in a bunker because people kill for a lot less.
Who cares if it is legal... with this much product up for grabs I would not worry about the cops, they wont run in your house and put a bullet in everyones head!!
million dollars???? lol
your brain is about as big as homer's in ur avi. You obviously have no clue what you are talking about, do you even grow or are you just a troll?


Well-Known Member
he's obviously a troll. believe me guys. growing on a bigger scale isn't as easy as it looks. he just fell victim to think that because it looks simple, that it is simple.

some pics for the hell of it. week 6ish. the older leaves are starting to go yellow. that'll happen round this time. i'm not too worried about it.



Well-Known Member
hahahahaha i couldnt wait to see what you said to that shit!!! fucking haters gotta love em, its like katt williams said though if you only have 10 haters your goal in 2010 should be to figure out how the fuck you gonna get 10 more. people hating = jealousy do ur thing boi

and to the troll what i believe ham is trying to say is



Well-Known Member
he's obviously a troll. Believe me guys. Growing on a bigger scale isn't as easy as it looks. He just fell victim to think that because it looks simple, that it is simple.

Some pics for the hell of it. Week 6ish. The older leaves are starting to go yellow. That'll happen round this time. I'm not too worried about it.

dude ypur fucking killing it nasty on this verticle grow..... I think i speak for all of us when i say i wish i was you right now...

it doesnt even look like you have any small popcorn buds.... those hps bulbs are beaming those plants with light at all angles....


Well-Known Member
dude ypur fucking killing it nasty on this verticle grow..... I think i speak for all of us when i say i wish i was you right now...

it doesnt even look like you have any small popcorn buds.... those hps bulbs are beaming those plants with light at all angles....
i know right. barely any pop corn. a little bit on the edges of the grow, but i'm doing staggered harvest so i'll harvest the mature buds and let anything that isn't mature(barely anything) mature up a bit, and it'll be gravy. plus the way i trim kind of eliminates alot of the popcorn buds.

thanks for convincing me to go with my usual bare bulbs. what was i thinking. this is amazing ya'll.

delux. love the video man.

frenetic. love that man that comment meant alot to me. providing quality meds LEGAL OR NOT! true words. i thank my blessings everyday that i can legally do what i do.


Well-Known Member
*Bows to a pot god

I'm subbed to this beastie. I've just started growing and this is what I'm going to aspire to.


Well-Known Member
*Bows to a pot god

I'm subbed to this beastie. I've just started growing and this is what I'm going to aspire to.
this is why i do a journal. i remember looking at some huge grows on overgrow and icmag back when i only had like 2 lights. and i was just like someday...someday. so believe in yourself, and just grow as much weed as you can with what you have at the time, and work your way up.

thanks everyone.