Well-Known Member
yo bro with all that light you got you should just take off those reflectors and hang those hps vertically... you will get a better yield man you will be using all those lumens right....
also lowwer the lights a bit and raise them has needed for plant growth.
also you can fit more plants under those 1000 watters... atleast like 9-10..... but like 20 medium sized plants forreal though
yeah i got the reflectors because i was gonna do screen of green, but i have done the vertical bulbs before hanging down and loved it. got really good yield. i only got this many plants because i can't go over what i have in the flower room. i'm at my limits. believe me i wish i could go more. i was going to. but decided against it last minute. once they flip and double in size those these bitches are gonna fill in that empty space quick quick man. so i should be pulling down atleast a pound a light. probably 1.5 i'm guessing. don't think i'm gonna hit 2 on this grow, but can't win em all yunno.
the reason the hoods were so high because i just got all the ducting right to cool the room evenly, and some of the plants were heat stressed, but they are all bouncing back now, so i will be lowering the hoods tonight. thanks for the advice my man.