My 8hr flowering experiment


Well-Known Member
Those seeds i put to germ were duds.
Guess they arent ready or maybe i should have let em dry out.
Officially 8wks today and no where near looking ready. Not sure i want these bitches taking up my cab for much longer but seeing as how i dont have anything else ready to go in it yet i will wait it out awhile longer.


Well-Known Member
Those seeds i put to germ were duds.
Guess they arent ready or maybe i should have let em dry out.
Officially 8wks today and no where near looking ready. Not sure i want these bitches taking up my cab for much longer but seeing as how i dont have anything else ready to go in it yet i will wait it out awhile longer.
Yea man, let them dry for 4 - 6 weeks. I've tried fresh seeds with a 0% germ, after drying I was 100%


New Member
I cant believe how small them buds are, how far away is your light? How old is your bulb? How old is your ballast?

Something isnt right there and i dont think its just getting 6hrs of light


Well-Known Member
I cant believe how small them buds are, how far away is your light? How old is your bulb? How old is your ballast?

Something isnt right there and i dont think its just getting 6hrs of light
The females got pollinated early and stopped growing.
It went from an experiment to measure the difference in yield from 12/12 to 6/18 to a seed yield for my next run.
And the bulb is brand new and the ballast is a yr old.
Plants are 12" away from the bulb.
They most certainly only get 6 hrs of light
But thanks for stopping by none the less
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Well-Known Member
The females got pollinated early and stopped growing.
It went from an experiment to measure the difference in yield from 12/12 to 6/18 to a seed yield for my next run.
And the bulb is brand new and the ballast is a yr old.
Plants are 12" away from the bulb.
They most certainly only get 6 hrs of light
But thanks for stopping by none the less
An admirable response. Do you plan to do this experiment again? Will you use clones to eliminate the possibility of pollination ruining things again? If there was a way to help, I would. I think what you're doing has real merit.


Well-Known Member
An admirable response. Do you plan to do this experiment again? Will you use clones to eliminate the possibility of pollination ruining things again? If there was a way to help, I would. I think what you're doing has real merit.
Thats me man always trying to be admirable lol.
Tbh i dont much care for the negative comments but they are sometimes right.
I dont think anyone has to be a horticulturist to say the buds stopped growing once they were pollinated. The results speak for themselves.
I will be chopping these down in the next couple weeks and i have a bunch of seedlings to choose from. I just germinated a bunch of new strains that ganja santa delivered.
I will be vegging them out a little bit longer and than picking the best 4 to flower under 6/18.


New Member
I didnt mean you were giving them more than 6 hours i meant they are not small because they are only receiving 6 hours of light.

Being pollinated doesnt explain the size of them buds, id expect bigger buds under a 60w halogen


Well-Known Member
I didnt mean you were giving them more than 6 hours i meant they are not small because they are only receiving 6 hours of light.

Being pollinated doesnt explain the size of them buds id expect more from a 60w halogen
They are in smalll containers. And were not vegged for very long. I dont know what else to say.
I didnt expect this tiny space to produce huge anyway but i also dont really care. It was more to see if a magazine article was full of shit or not.
Again thanks for taking the time to comment.


New Member
They are in smalll containers. And were not vegged for very long. I dont know what else to say.
I didnt expect this tiny space to produce huge anyway but i also dont really care. It was more to see if a magazine article was full of shit or not.
Again thanks for taking the time to comment.
Just being honest, i dont understand how you can consider this a success on any level


Well-Known Member
Just being honest, i dont understand how you can consider this a success on any level
I dont.
I consider it about 200 dank ass seeds for the future. In fact i dont remember ever claiming it was a success. I said from the begining that it was going to be a crap yield.
I tried a different light schedule to see if it would work. It did the plants in my cabinet showed preflowers in under a week. Two friends of mine have switched their lights and have both said they will never run 12/12 ever again.
It is what it is man.


New Member
What made your 2 friends switch to 6/18? did you show them something you havent posted here??

Seriously i want to believe 6/18 is worth while but you havent posted a single thing to suggest that and yet you say youll never do 12/12 again your friends are switching too. Help me understand


Well-Known Member
I've wondered the same. I've heard him allude to other's success with this technique but haven't seen anything more concrete. I'm not suggesting the evidence doesn't exist, I'm just curious to get the whole story.


Well-Known Member
Did either of you see the guys posts a few pages ago? Those plants were grown under 6/18.
My buddies switched when i told them mine werent all dead.
I really dont care what light schedule anyone else uses. I get the impression tho that when it comes to the argument of needing 12/12 most people are fixed in their ways.
I myself will never run 12/12 ever again. Doesnt mean necessarily i will do 6/18, might be 11/13 or 10/14 etc.
the purpose of me even using this lil cabinet is experimenting and trying new things. Shame on me for sharing.
And i regret even posting this thread now.


Well-Known Member
Did either of you see the guys posts a few pages ago? Those plants were grown under 6/18.
My buddies switched when i told them mine werent all dead.
I really dont care what light schedule anyone else uses. I get the impression tho that when it comes to the argument of needing 12/12 most people are fixed in their ways.
I myself will never run 12/12 ever again. Doesnt mean necessarily i will do 6/18, might be 11/13 or 10/14 etc.
the purpose of me even using this lil cabinet is experimenting and trying new things. Shame on me for sharing.
And i regret even posting this thread now.
Nonono! Please don't take my comments as disbelief! If I missed some pics I'll go back and look for them. I'm very interested in this experiment and I'd love to see positive results.


Well-Known Member
This thread has been all over the place. Many people stopping by to put in there negative two cents. Then they fuk off n disappear now here i am again feeling like i have to defend my opinion to a new member and a guy that says any way he can help...but joins in.
I shouldnt regret posting this thread. Unlike most people who talk more than do. I put forth an effort to test a theory. Never called it anything more than an experiment.
Going based on what ive seen with my own two eyes going 6/18 in my buddies room the plants are yielding about 75% of what they did last time. 75% using half the energy is good math imo.
I dont allude to anything i say what i think.


New Member
If your guy is pulling 75% with half the electricity why havent you posted anything in the thread you made called 6hr experiment?

Why are you getting all bent out of shape because people ask questions?

If this works everyone will switch its a no brainer, i just dont understand your attitude


Well-Known Member
Go back one page.
I posted pics of two plants from my buddies room. Both those plants are around 6 weeks in on 6/18.
Another poster on the site also put up pictures of his plants at 8 weeks under 6/18.
I have become perhaps a tad bit too sensitive when it comes to this thread because i constantly feel the need to defend an article and theory i didnt come up with.
I try to keep my personal stuff at bay and try to focus on positivity and optimism.
Trust me that my intentions with this experiment/thread was to test a theory and hopefully help people going forward.
Now health problems and a few other setbacks made this run a waste.
Live and learn. I will continue to do things that are unusual and tinker here and there and eventually one day i will have it figured out.


New Member
Good good, i hope you can post future grows using 6/18 and prove all the doubters wrong.

Ill certainly be the first to switch once im convinced its viable. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Good good, i hope you can post future grows using 6/18 and prove all the doubters wrong.

Ill certainly be the first to switch once im convinced its viable. Good luck
I will take that as a challenge and i look forward to posting some pictures that are up to your standards.