My 8hr flowering experiment

I read the article in skunk mag by Joe p. I have been using parts of this method ever since. However I flower under 12/12 for two weeks before I cut back to 6-8 hrs of light. Trust me, the only difference I notice is that my crop finishes much faster than usual. I've been doing it ever since. Smoke on friends.

Can you provide a link to the article?
I havent been able to find a link to the actual article.
It was in skunk mag feb/march issue.
It was called control your cannabis part deux.
If i cant find it later i will take pics of my mag and post those for anyone that wants to read it.
Good f in day today!

First i get my thc cap taken off my script so i can buy decent meds again.
I find out i won the second prize in the gro king contest.
Then i go over to a buddies house and find five plants growing in his yard that even he didnt know about lol. He planted one last year on the other side of the yard. This year theres 5 on the opposite side and i claim halfsies lol.

My cabinet is hot as fuk. I cant keep the room temp down low enough to actually lower the temp in the cab.
I have one decent 4" in and a 4" and 6" out but still the temps hover 10 degrees higher than id like.
Cant wait to have an actual room and no more fukkin around with this cabinet.
This is some cutting edge shit. I just watched a "lecture" on this exact subject yesterday then I finally found someone that actually had the balls to do it. I'm excited that I'm not the only one to question what has been widely accepted as "normal" and actually do some real research. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of people's opinions with out hard evidence. Just because you say it can't work doesn't make it true. A quote that comes to mind is a perfect example :
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Albert Einstein

@rover thanks for the interest.
Im trying to find what works best for me. The theory and article seem to be more right than wrong.
I was as skeptical as anyone going into this.

Theres a few people on this forum running reduced flower times. Not many are runnin as short a cycle as i am but there are a few of us out there. More will catch on eventually.
Im done trying to talk people into it, i have nothing to gain.
Keep up the good work. I can't wait to see you get it dialed in and shut the naysayers up. People need to start looking at the evidence instead of just following old, outdated dogma
Keep up the good work. I can't wait to see you get it dialed in and shut the naysayers up. People need to start looking at the evidence instead of just following old, outdated dogma
Im not like that.
I dont give two shitz about what anyone else thinks. I posted this thread so that others could see that 12/12 isnt the only way to flower a plant and ive done about all i can do using this little cabinet.
I am 100% positive that this light schedule in a big area thats easier to cool down with more lumens can produce enough meds to keep me and my friends n family happy.

Heres a nug from my last harvest that even tho was small, provided me some nice smoke and a buttload of beans for future runs.image.jpg
actually do some real research. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of people's opinions with out hard evidence. Just because you say it can't work doesn't make it true

Does this research you speak of involve growing plants yourself
or is it more focused on reading papers ?
Does this research you speak of involve growing plants yourself
or is it more focused on reading papers ?
If there were tons of pics of plants as proof you still wouldnt accept that as research anyway would you?
Have you ever seen a poinsettia those are almost all grown under the 12:1 lighting cycle.
If no one ever does anything new or different nothing changes or advances.
I appreciate anyones opinions and will gladly listen to em