My Afghani has two main stems?!?!


Active Member
Hey everyone!
Well, this will be my third grow. Anyhow I came across something that I’ve never seen before. I’m currently growing a mix crop. I have 4 Mazar, 5 Afghani, and about 14 random local strain. What I’m wondering about is, one of my Afghani plants has been forming two main stalks since about day 10 of its growth from seed. It is currently day 28 and I have yet to see one of the stalk become dominate over the other, thus forming a man stem. Is this common? I know that sometimes my clones come out a bit strange, but this is new to me…..
I’ve included three images. Sorry there not the best quality, I had to take them from my phone. By the way to save from any confusion in the pictures, you may notice that I have 2 plants per pot. The over head picture is just of the one plant. Notice it has two tops.
Thanks ,



Active Member
oo here is a pic of my 4 x4 flowring tent. The plants in the tent and approx. 20 days into flower. Several different local strains. cant wait to see em fill in a bit.



Active Member
yes i did notice abnormal growth, but im curious to know if this is common? You aslo say that it self topped itself? if that were the cases then wouldnt growers do this to all there plants to maximise yield?


Well-Known Member
i had a plant do this earlier this year. just for some reason it didnt want to grow strait up it just decided to top itself. its completely fine.:mrgreen: and yes growers do this all the time to maximize yield. very common.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i dont mean common like the plants do it them self's i mean the growers. although i have seen it. nothing to worry about.:peace:


Well-Known Member
i have an afghani plant outside. the seed was purchased in Amsterdam. and im not sure exactly what the strain is. and it looks much much like yours. so im curiouis to where you might have gotten yours?